Freakin' Broadband usage rant

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Jan 14, 2009
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yes its a freakin rant.....

BT sell you a pup then stiff you on top.

Got the most expensive BT broadband product with 'unlimited' download as I use it A LOT, and also have three teenagers whacking it with laptops and XBox Live.

Around the 20th of each month I get a mail from BT saying "you are up to 80Gb ya naughty boy, if you reach 100Gb we'll do you"...or words to that effect, so I usually slow right down.

This month cos the junior brat was XBoxing on "Call of Bloody Duty 4 - The Gay Campaign" all hours it used the extra 20Gb and went over, so the ba5tards have choked me to 1Mb - yes ONE fecking Mb during peak hours 5pm-12pm for A MONTH!!!!

Yet I pay the going rate for an 8mb connection that runs at 3Mb because of the distance to the exchange.

yer Right. It's a total liberty. If it's any help I'm with sky unlimited upto 16mb and it's brill. There's no fare usage policy so it's truely UNLIMITED and coz I'm only 2km from the exchange, I sometimes hit 13meg download speeds. :)......... but that doesn't help you.
Ditch BT and find some ISPs that do as they say.
Ah feck too.....
I had that bother a couple of years back with orange. When I first signed up with them 4 years or so back it was to "unlimited".
We then got shot of sky and download stuff all over............yep you guessed it the buggers sent me a monster bill:eek:
I complained, as you do, and I was told that "unlimited" really only meant fair usage ballux..........
Since changed it to their NEW definition of unlimited which actually is:D

Life's a bitch, and then you get the bill:eek:
so your honestly telling us that mr argumentative is just going to roll over and get screwed by some small time company like BT, over there definition of unlimited
so your honestly telling us that mr argumentative is just going to roll over and get screwed by some small time company like BT, over there definition of unlimited

yeah just like i believe my missus when she says i can have unlimited sex.....:eek:

Its not something you can argue except in court - can you imagine the cost????? Easier to bend over, oh sorry, roll over, - ah what the hell, I'm easy either way....:augie
(Quote) Yet I pay the going rate for an 8mb connection that runs at 3Mb because of the distance to the exchange.

I pay for 8mb also, but I only get half a a meg download speed. 3mb would be great. I hope this makes you feel better.

When I complained BT told me its because I am to far from the exchange. It sounds like a load of crap to me!!

Why not send BT an equally high bill for "Unlimited use of wifey" .... and when they queery it, just reply "She was online if required".