Fitting a tach to my car, is in the negative input into the coil that you splice the tach signal wire into, I havnt done one before so am just looking for advice from fellow auto elecys :thumb2
why u fitting?
So much for helpful advice on this forum :-/
yes it will be the neg on the coil as this is connected to the contact breaker in the distributor, and will give the clock signal for the tacho as long as you have set it for the number cylinders you have, more accurate by the way than the type run off of the alternator as belt slip can come into play, Rick....Oh and the others mean well...
fit a NOS system too :augie
just remember , safety is paramount when working with electricity :thumb2
joking apart ryan , I admire you , you have a inquisitive and diagnostic type mind , just like I was when younger , only I didn't have long hair
Haha yes, only problem is, if I ask questions, I'm mocked!
Rise above it lad, you are OK, Rick
voltage thrills ..... current kills
Haha yes, only problem is, if I ask questions, I'm mocked!
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