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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2009
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Well the annual camping trip toon us to near blurb age, Wiltshire this year.
Couldn't help but notice the numbers of tracks that seem to run of every other road, so my mate bought an OS map and the whole area was riddled with byways. Had to be sensible because we only had one car. Found a stunning track with some amazing views. Will be headin back to the area again, maybe with another vehicle next time (mates m3 wouldn't really have cut the mustard!)

Some great views there Walshie, like the truck its just like my old terrano that I px'd a few months back. Careful theres no restriction orders on those tracks though, don't want the fun police a knocking:augie
Always better to have a capable second vehicle with you, glad you enjoyed it, maybe you might consider serious off road stuff, much more fun to my mind, Rick
Yeh checked they were all unrestricted byways. We were based near burbage, but the area around Malborough looked best, absolutely riddled with unrestricted byways :)

Had to play it safe because I only had my truck and it's standard, but it's been so dry it was easy. Would definitely take a second truck.if being more adventurous. I challenged my mate to the top gear off roader for £250 challenge, I don't think he was biting tho!

Unsure whether to mod the t2, it's incredibly capable even standard and I need it to commute and carry building materials for the house so it may have to wait to be modded later in life :)
Hey looks like cracking fun, lovely and scenic :cool:

Watch the plod, not likely but easy enough to get a section 59, like an asbo for your car, get two and they take it and crush it... Whoops... :eek:

Beautiful views though :clap
Yeh checked they were all unrestricted byways. We were based near burbage, but the area around Malborough looked best, absolutely riddled with unrestricted byways :)

I'm planning a trip down that way soon if I've still got the car. The lanes are meant to be dead technical and sandy!! :naughty
What is a section 59? If your driving anti socially? Causing a nuisance etc?
As opposed to being some where you're not entitled to be?
Why would he have to? If the track is a legal right of way for vehicles?

I know what he's on about, we were doing a load of little lanes near Llangollen and they were legal unrestricted lanes and there were Police hiding behind a tree on a footpath off the track then stopping all of the 4x4's taking insurance details and everything :doh

Said they were issuing section 59's to anyone driving the lanes in a dangerous or anti-social manner, I just bit my tongue as I didn't want to get arrested before we'd even started a lane!!!
I know what he's on about, we were doing a load of little lanes near Llangollen and they were legal unrestricted lanes and there were Police hiding behind a tree on a footpath off the track then stopping all of the 4x4's taking insurance details and everything :doh

Said they were issuing section 59's to anyone driving the lanes in a dangerous or anti-social manner, I just bit my tongue as I didn't want to get arrested before we'd even started a lane!!!

Interesting, I suppose that it stopped plod from doing anything know, like catching real criminals that break real laws.

Who would have thought that you could drive anti socially at walking speed.....:nenau
Such is life, always going to be a minority ruining it for the majority.

So who's up for a laning trip to Wiltshire then?

Hands up
Its a pity that some drivers are not as responsible as us when driving off road.

doubt that that is the real reason, plod likes to take the easy way out, catch a few 4 x 4's or some over 30 mph motors is a lot easier than pursuing high tech real criminals that even when they get to court the system sets them free:nenau, Rick