first report on sally

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Mar 11, 2010
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absolutely amazing to drive now !!!! , so smooth, i think ive worked out the gearbox settings , leave it in economy ( hold mode ) unless setting off up a hill or wanting a quick burst of acceleration then drop it into 2nd, or flick it into auto mode .sally is a bit thirsty , but ive budgeted for that ,i reckon she is doing around 25 mpg around town so thats ok , rather than get a kick in the pants when you accelerate hard like a normal auto ... you get a smooth surge , i love it to bits , only thing to sort now is the starter motor , its sticking sometimes , so im going to get a new one as its very important in a auto , windscreen is being fitted on saturday afternoon too , so only sunroof rattle to sort then , ive had loads of comments from people about how good my truck looks , it is so different to what is was before to drive . i love it to bits !!!! :thumb2:D
i would say 25 mpg is pretty good around town for one of theese, mine is a swb manual and that's about wnhat i get, having said that it is loaded up a lot and i do tow a trailer fairly often.
Good stuff Briggie, find a place that will recondition your starter & refit it for you don't buy a new one. Mine went on my Rover before Christmas & I saved a good amount of money & I only had to wait two hours. :thumbs
oh id buy new. mine had a "recon" in it, and it was sh1t. took it apart and it was screwed inside. afetr all the hassle with this truck, just buy new.
I think it would be unfair to write off all reconditioning firms because of one bad experience, the firm I went to has been going for years & has an estabilshed reputation with the local garages. It was garage owner that put me on to them.

I've had the current one on the car now for almost 6 months with no problems.

I think you can find them in the local yellow pages etc, if anyone wants the name of the firm I used in Wolverhampton I'll dig out the invoice & put the details up. :D
Only bit I can add here is the plate with ring gear on it was a used one, new was £500 from Nissan and a wait, and the gear was a little worn on one of the four points on the gear, so it could just be this that causes the odd problem, but a new starter cog would help as that was showing signs of wear, the rest of the starter looked good, although I did not strip it.

Glad you like the truck Pete, glad you did not sell it now? Rick
Only bit I can add here is the plate with ring gear on it was a used one, new was £500 from Nissan and a wait, and the gear was a little worn on one of the four points on the gear, so it could just be this that causes the odd problem, but a new starter cog would help as that was showing signs of wear, the rest of the starter looked good, although I did not strip it.

Glad you like the truck Pete, glad you did not sell it now? Rick

i love it to bits rick , im really glad i didnt sell it now , its a joy to drive ,the noise the starter makes is like trying to start the engine when its allready running , but it doesnt do it that often ...... super truck trick , thanks mate :thumb2
i love it to bits rick , im really glad i didnt sell it now , its a joy to drive ,the noise the starter makes is like trying to start the engine when its allready running , but it doesnt do it that often ...... super truck trick , thanks mate :thumb2

Thats funny, my neighbour over the road, shes got a little Suzuki Alto, and thats an automatic, EVERY time she starts her car it makes that sound, and has done for the last, what, 6 years or something? so perhaps its nothing to worry about untill it stops starting!

I'm not not knocking firms that recondition starter motors, dont think that, its just in my experience, reconditiond stuff like this is a risk. I had mine on my car for well over 6 months before it packed in, so for the cost, its not worth it, better to buy new. Its liek you can get recondition injectors, but i'd only buy new, and I think im liek that because i know how much work is involved replacing the parts, including the starter, so for peace of mind, brand new is the way to go plus you get a nice full years warranty, where as with reocnditioned im not sure you do?
These starters are pre engage, what is supposed to happen is the starter cog should mesh with the ring gear before the contacts are made to spin the starter, as the ring gear and cog wear there is the possibility of the starter spinning before properly meshed (the actuator has to travel a little further because of the wear) so the contacts make before full engagement, a new starter cog will go a long way to help avoid this happening and so prolong the life of the rather expensive ring gear, if you have the starter overhauled tell the guys the problem as they can put in a shim or two to ensure engagement before power on, Rick
I'm not not knocking firms that recondition starter motors, dont think that, its just in my experience, reconditiond stuff like this is a risk. I had mine on my car for well over 6 months before it packed in, so for the cost, its not worth it, better to buy new. Its liek you can get recondition injectors, but i'd only buy new, and I think im liek that because i know how much work is involved replacing the parts, including the starter, so for peace of mind, brand new is the way to go plus you get a nice full years warranty, where as with reocnditioned im not sure you do?

Oh god I've jinxed it, now I've said it's been fine it'll pack up tonight! :lol
I suppose it depends where you go but my recon has a 12 month warranty as well so I'm happy with that.
But what your saying is fair enough, it's all down to your own peace of mind at the end of the day. :)
These starters are pre engage, what is supposed to happen is the starter cog should mesh with the ring gear before the contacts are made to spin the starter, as the ring gear and cog wear there is the possibility of the starter spinning before properly meshed (the actuator has to travel a little further because of the wear) so the contacts make before full engagement, a new starter cog will go a long way to help avoid this happening and so prolong the life of the rather expensive ring gear, if you have the starter overhauled tell the guys the problem as they can put in a shim or two to ensure engagement before power on, Rick

does a new cog come with a starter motor then ? or is it a seperate thingie ?
Starter motor zing

If you are getting a zing noise its sometimes caused by the solenoid on the starter motor not going out or back again quick enough.

On my late fathers old Opel Rekord Coupe we just sprayed some plus gas at the starter gear and it fixed it !

Worth a spray if you can reach it !

On the Opel there was a flywheel timing light hole and we just blitzed it through the hole.

On an auto you have no clutch to worry about covering in luricant / release fluid.
does a new cog come with a starter motor then ? or is it a seperate thingie ?

New cog is part of the starter, new cog on new starter, recon or new on recon starter, thats why you need to speak to recon guys to get a new cog and adjust for worn ring gear, they may say that that is not possible, but you know as well as I that anything is possible, If I can do it!!! Must say cannot believe the windscreen bit £2000 who the f*** do they think they are kidding? glad you got it sorted in the end but it should not be,,, Rick