engine warning light

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Active member
Jul 14, 2005
Hi Guys,
Does anyone exprience these issues, my engine will stall easily at low revs, when I attempt to restart it won't fire up, eng warning light shows up. Switch ignition off wait until you get the beep beep and then it will fire up with the eng warning light showing, any ideas please will be great.
need to check the codes, but id suspect CKP sesnor.

dose it fire up ok when cold? continue until warm then you get problems? if so, almost certainly the CKP sensor.
Could be anything, you need codes to find an area to start looking at
Code reading instructions are in the downloads section within quick links.

Thanks for the replies , I am unable to open the downloads ,what version of adobe reader will open the downloads.
under the interior fuse cover slightly to the left you will find the consult plug 14 pins you may need to pull the clip that holds it up as you cannot see it very well while clipped up, if you hold it so the cut off corners are to the right, then the two bottom left pins need to be shorted for a couple of seconds then count the dash light flashes they are in pairs so if it flashes 5 then 5 this is no faults, come back with the code and I will tell you what it is, Rick

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