Assuming it's exactly the same as the Trol 3.0 (it should be!
) it'll just be one multi-rib belt, and assuming the tensioner hasn't been making any noise I personally wouldn't bother changing it (but that's just me :nenau)...
Get underneath, no guards in the way on the Trol but Terrano may be different as it's ifs, unclip the bottom fan shroud and remove.
While still under the truck remove all the screws you can see on the main fan shroud - should be combination crosshead/10mm (iirc). Once they're out then work from the top and remove the rest of the screws - I think it's 4 across the top of the shroud, 1 down the driver's side and another 2 down the passenger side (I think).
Main shroud should now be removable with a bit of persuasion (you'll need to ease the radiator pipe out the way). Now you can get in at the belt but don't bother trying to remove the fan as it's part of the water pump. Feel for the tensioner and you should be able to feel, I think, three bolt heads in a row, the middle one isn't actually a bolt head, it's a casting so you can get a breaker bar on the tensioner (workshop manual says a spanner but a breaker bar gives you more leverage :thumbs).
Get the bar on the casting and lever the tensioner anticlockwise to release the tension then while doing that slip the belt off the alternator. Now release the bar and slip the belt off, in no particular order, the crank pulley, water pump (moving it over the fan blades), aircon pulley and tensioner.
Fit the new belt onto (in order) the water pump, tensioner, crankshaft pulley and aircon pulley, then get the bar again and lever the tensioner anticlockwise to allow you to fit it on the alternator pulley. Feel with your fingers to make sure belt is sitting correct (tbh you shouldn't be able to get it on the alternator if it isn't! :lol ).
I'll try and post a pic of the workshop manual belt diagram for you tomorrow bud :thumb2