Does your smoke alarm work?

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Dec 27, 2008
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Fire safety campaigns
Don't drown in toxic smoke

Just two to three breaths of toxic smoke and you're unconscious
Toxic smoke will affect your ability to breathe, a sensation similar to drowning
Drowning in the smoke of a house fire is the risk you take if you do not have a working smoke alarm

Testing your smoke alarm every week could make the difference in protecting your home and loved ones.
People vastly underestimate the impact of toxic smoke

How long do you think you could survive in a smoke filled room?

In a Fire Kills survey (2009) almost half (43 percent) believed they could survive for more than two minutes in a smoke filled room.
However, toxic smoke can kill a child in under a minute.

Do you believe that if you had a fire you would be alerted by the smell of smoke?

Nearly half of those surveyed (48 percent) thought they would be, when in actual fact the gases and smoke from a fire can numb the senses and put you into a deeper sleep.

Working smoke alarm

The only way to buy vital time to escape from a house fire is by having a working smoke alarm.

Although 90 percent of those surveyed owned smoke alarms, 70 percent admitted to not testing them every week.
This is despite the fact that you are more than twice as likely to die in an accidental house fire if you do not have a working smoke alarm.

Ask the experts. Your Fire and Rescue Service offer free home fire safety checks give them a call. This includes identifying potential fire risks, giving advice on what to do to reduce or prevent them, and will fit free smoke alarms if they are needed.

Please watch the Fire Kills campaign advert on the Communities and Local Government YouTube channel to find out more about the effects of toxic smoke

Fire Kills campaign advert on YouTube

If a fire does break out in the home, then GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 999
agreed 100% you should all have a fully working smoke alarm in all bedrooms and hallways and for "Fs" sake test them regularly, Rick
Before I left school, we all had this talk from these guys from a thing called don't give fire a home. Thay showed us a scary video of a house fire that was caused by a electric plug short burned down bloody quik :eek:
agreed 100% you should all have a fully working smoke alarm in all bedrooms and hallways and for "Fs" sake test them regularly, Rick

We've just had high tech smoke alarms put in. There linked to each other wirelessly and run I'll put a pic of them up tomoro because there weird
agreed 100% you should all have a fully working smoke alarm in all bedrooms and hallways and for "Fs" sake test them regularly, Rick

We've just had high tech smoke alarms put in. There linked to each other wirelessly and run on electricity I'll put a pic of them up tomoro because there weird:D
I would not give wire less stuff house room unless you want your alarm going off when your neighbor's system goes off, we have had so many probs with CH wireless stats going hay wire it is not true and they work on the same band, total crap, Rick
we live in a very small house, and have a smoke alarm and CM alarm, both working very well (the slightest bit of smoke from the kitchen and the SMK alarm in the hallway goes off)

so important to have one.
I have smoke alarms hard wired into the mains on their own trip, they are very expensive and crap. They are all in a jiffy bag as i type waiting to be sent back to the manufacturers for service - again!

In the mean time I have placed a couple of cheap battery powered ones in strategic positions.

just over a week ago, my daughters hair dryer burnt into flames and smoke the house out, couldn't shift the smell for days, smoke alarms didn't go off, hence their return, though they do go off when you have a shower :nenau

I saved the day by grabbing the hairdryer rushing it outside and running it under the outside tap, but it is frightening to think what could have happened :eek:
e used to have some that were heat sensors not smoke alarms, so the one in the kitchen used to go off when makin a cuppa but not when u burnt ur toast lol, they found their way into the bin somehow lol
In the mean time I have placed a couple of cheap battery powered ones in strategic positions.

Get local Trumpton to pop out. Certainly round here they fit good quality ones 10 yr battery, phone number to ring if they pack in :thumb2

Even better the leading hand on the wagon that came out to us was old mate of my missus so we had a good natter and catch up, very civilised.

They had to go though to get back on station asap.........................x factor was coming on :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol