I know what you mean rbrt, but as you know for me caravaning is often for far longer than an odd weekend and so the generators come into play.
My lngest straight strectch in a caravan this year has been just under 9 weeks, we have one small generator that runs up to 650 watts and we run it for an hour or two on some evenings so we can recharge the leisure batteries in 2 to 3 caravans at the same time and watch the box while it is on.
The other big generator which is seldom used for the caravan I take to run power tools etc. but we do fire it up to run bigger things like the hoover, iron the clothes etc. but that is on even fewer occasions!
bear in mind we are in places that are not even sites of any description and have no facilities whatsoever usualy not even a tap, and no one to complain about the noise of a generator,
If i were indulging in a weekend away, like yourself i just wouldn't bother.
One of the hings i like to do is, turn all te lights off open the caravan blinds let your eyes get used to the darkness and just look out at the world, the clear stars and all the little things that come out when no one is arround, your caravan can be like a hide and once the wild life get used to it you can sit and watch in comfort :wink: