Dash cluster!!

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When i started her up this morning,i noticed the digital clock was back at 12.00 and the trip was back to zero but she started first time(no problems!)no beeps like before!!.
She has a new battery in,only a month old!
Anybody had this happen and more to the point WHY? :lol:
Also noticed that when i turn the key and the Nats beep/glow plug light comes on the rev counter jumps and the speedo, always to the same point,haven't noticed this before,could be normal!! :?
Apart from that and that it was leaking water in the back door where the coax cable for my cb twig was coming in,everything is fine! :lol:
Just an update and Q?? b4 i look at the workshop manual,is there a battery backup for the clock and trip on the dash,as every time i switch off then back on it is resetting itself,just like when the battery goes in your computer!! :?
Im no expert and Im sure someone will tell you but sounds like a wire is off. Small battery wire??pos or neg?? Sounds like no power to the fuse box until you switch on therefore reseting??
Looks like I'm going to be busy taking the dash to bits on Monday! :cry:
Hi mate, just a few parts too check on this one.

fuse 16 in the fuse box, 10amp fuse, supplys constant power to clock, lights and trip computer. if this is ok, then take the clock or speedo housing out, if taking the speedo out look at the brown plug from the diagram it is pin 27 you wana check on the loom, you should have 12+ all the time, ign on or off. If you take the clock out there should only be 3 or 4 wires too it, you want a ground, a constant 12v+ a wire that goes 12v+ when lights are on and a 12v+ when ign on.

there realy aint much more too the system so if it aint the fuse check the loom from the fuse to the clock and speedo.

I would suspect the fuse 8)

The speedo and rev counter will jump because they think they are being powered for the first time and do a self calibration style check on them selfs, if they had the constant power they would remember the settings and positions.

hope this helps ya mate
Thanks mjm370,going to check the fuse just now,if not that,i'll be taking the clock out in the next couple of days...thanks again pal!! :lol:
not a prob mate, if you are stuck tonight, i will be online most of it, so just give me a pm and i will try and help ya.
Ok thanks to mjm370,have no discovered that a fuse had blown :oops:
But on trying to put the same back in(10amp) it blew as i was putting it in! did the same with a 15amp,have now got a 20 amp in and all seems fine,but there must be something causing the 10 and 15 to blow!! might still have to tale dash out to check!! :?
I would take the 20 out asap mate, untill you discover the prob, the fuse is there to protect the loom and components, and if you are now putting a fuse that is rated higher than the wiring then there is only one thing that will happen the loom will heat up and melt until it either pops or resistance is high enuff to pop the fuse,

sounds like a short or partial short between the dash/clock and the fuse box,

unplug both units and put 10 amp fuse back in. if the fuse doesnt pop then the loom should be ok. then plug in each item individually and check the fuse, if you plug an item in and it pops the fuse then you have found the source of the fault.

then all you gota do is investigate the unit that caused the issue.
Have headed your advice and the 20amp is now out,and yes the clocks reset again,will have to investigate further for a short i think!! :?
Just another update,for anybody interested!
Went and got some new 10amp fuses and was getting prepared to take the dash out so that i could check if i had a short in the loom or the clocks!
This was on good advice,following an informative phone call with our local auto electrician (mjm370) good to talk to you!! :smile:
Let the car sit for a minute,then thought I'd try putting a new 10amp fuse in no.16,third from left on bottom row in fuse box(marked on my motor Lamps!)
Didn't blow this time,when put in??
This fuse controls the interior lights,Red LED for the NATS system but not the NATS itself and the lights on warning siren!!
So now the clocks stay on and do not reset every time i turn the key! :lol:
Don't know why they blew the other night when i tried??
But all's well now.. :lol:
Spot on mate, glad too help. nice too speak too you as well.

just keep an eye on it as it may rear its head again, maybe if you are board one day you could investigate further.

main problem is if there is an electrical fault you want it too be constant, not intermittent, as when you go too check it its not apparent,


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