Damm Electric Window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Active member
Dec 19, 2010
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Hi All,

My electric windows in my 51 plate Terrano are being tempremental and I believe i need to replace the master relay box which is behind the drivers door card . Do you people have any lying around at all.

Many thanks
Hit it :D
There must be some sort of design fault on them 'cause they always fail, even new ones :doh
Nip up the scrappy, they only take a few seconds to rip out and "loose" in your pochers pocket :augie Good luck :lol
What happens to them? reason I ask is the Reno factor in Nissan's.

On Reno's when the battery has been disconnected the windows need resetting. You have to hold the switch in the Up Posistion when the window is fully up hold for 20 seconds. Do this on all windows in turn. Don't know if it'll work but got to be worth a try for nothing hasn't it.

I had the same on my mistral. Sometimes it would not work, but if I held the switch on and tapped the relay box in the door, it worked.
So I took out the relay and levered the plastic cover off the top and slid the electrics out. Ater looking at the solderes on the board I noticed a ring around one of them telling me the solder joint was cracked. Out with my very old soldering iron and a quick dab and all has been well since.
This same thing also worked on my Intermittent wiper relay. I had them sometimes working and sometimes not.....same thing. A quick solder and all good since. :lol
according to Nissan water ingression is the biggest culprit but he says the later models have a red reset button on the relay box which makes sense . As for scrappy never found one yet in Scotland interesting about holding button will give it a try
update on windows all working fine yes relay was faulty in drivers side front so replaced then went to tackle rears after a bit of investigation re wd 40 test motors etc in pure frustration just kept pressing the down switch on both rear windows . After about 5 mins one then the other worked. Then i saw the non operation was due to th fact the window was stuck in the upper rubber by traffic film and dirt nothing else so removed the "tide mark"created at top of windows and all working sweet .

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