credit card

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2008
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some scumbag has tried to use my credit card to the tune of £5.500 since saturday, 2 transactions were in italy, 1 in usa, and 2 in uk, bank phoned yesterday (tues) telling me my card had been cancelled due to unathorised use.:eek:
good to know they are on the ball really, thing is i dont use it very often, but the banks fraud section is looking into how they got my details, and they said they will tell me how it was done as soon as they find out. :doh:rolleyes:
CALL YOUR BANK YOUR SELF URGENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A friend of mine had his card stollen whilst at work and received a call, alledgedly from his bank saying ' someone is at the counter trying to withdraw money from your account, we have retained this card and frozen all your other cards, we will send out new cards in the post'
This cost him £3,500+ in the 24 hours before he realised that he had been done and contacted the bank himself. Aswell as being under suspision of fraud.
Sorry for the bad news but hope this helps.
I had a similar experience about two years ago. I was looking for a replacement automatic gearbox for my Mistral, and a scrapyard in Birmingham had one. I initially ordered it, and payed over the phone with my credit card, but later cancelled the order.
On my next statement I found that someone had been topping up an Orange Pay-as-you-go phone with my credit card ( My mobile was a contract phone with O2).
Turned out to be someone from the scrap yard.
CALL YOUR BANK YOUR SELF URGENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A friend of mine had his card stollen whilst at work and received a call, alledgedly from his bank saying ' someone is at the counter trying to withdraw money from your account, we have retained this card and frozen all your other cards, we will send out new cards in the post'
This cost him £3,500+ in the 24 hours before he realised that he had been done and contacted the bank himself. Aswell as being under suspision of fraud.
Sorry for the bad news but hope this helps.

thanks steve, but when the bank phoned me, they asked security questions,

anyway just phoned bank and it was the fraud department, their computer had thrown a wobbly as someone was trying to spend money on my account, so it automaticly blocks the card until they speak to me, so thats a weight off the shoulders, i would like to know how they get the information of peoples card details. :nenau:doh
thanks steve, but when the bank phoned me, they asked security questions,

anyway just phoned bank and it was the fraud department, their computer had thrown a wobbly as someone was trying to spend money on my account, so it automaticly blocks the card until they speak to me, so thats a weight off the shoulders, i would like to know how they get the information of peoples card details. :nenau:doh

In any case, unless they can prove beyond all doubt that it was YOU that made the expenditure, you have no liability for fraudulent transactions, despite what people think.

Tezz had you made any online purchases within the previous day or two, cos they are often monitored by fraudsters? Its only happened to me once when I bought tickets for my two daughters for the Clothes Show....within 30 minutes someone spent £300 on my behalf on a baby clothes site (my youngest is 16!!!) - the bank put it back PDQ and it was clear from the conversation that they were aware the ticket site was being hacked. They even said that, since they were refunding the money immediately, I wasn't entitled to know any subsequent outcomes.

If you use wireless at home , I could if I wanted monitor all your internet traffic and I dont care if you have encrypted it with WEP or not.

make sure you all use WPA .......
thanks darwin, i was using wireless, but have now change to wire connection with wireless turned off, just in case i am being monitored, thanks again. :thumb2 :clap