I did my own; and I think well worth doing yourself. I also done my dads
warrior. Here is how its done. 1st buy tint - I used two different tints from ebay and two different suppliers. the best company was - onlyprofilms on ebay. I previously searched youtube on videos on how to do this, as a painter and decorator I thought this would be an easy task for me, wasn't far off.
2 tips before you start, tip number 1: do it in a garage/windless enviroment. tip number 2: clean the windows like mad.
tools needed for the job.
window tint
plastic scrubber (asda type) sponge with white face
plastic squeege (asda/halfords 4-5")
garden spray bottle (good quality type asda/homebase)
wallpaper smoothie(homebase/b+q) similar to a caulking blade but more flexible
blockbuster membership card
johnstons baby shampoo
trimming knife
double sided razor blade
microfibre cloth
Make a solution of water and shampoo in the spray bottle roughly 1/4 shampoo in spray bottle filled with water;
give a good shake;
with the window down 2" spray the outside and inside with solution and use the razor blade to remove any hard stuff.
Put window up; catch the last bit of window both sides and spray again then scrub with scrubber.
Now with the window up - spray and squeege a few times then measure window at widest part leaving roughly 2" allround cut film. with window up spray and offer tint to window and spray film.
next squeege film to glass but not right in to window edges so it looks like 1/4" off the glass at the edge of window.
next using the smoothie and blockbuster card start from the bottom at any side of the window gently pushing the film into the window track. It has to be right in but not jammed in between the track and window so to speak.
Using the smoothie and trimming knife - trim from the bottom up to about 2" from the top gently lift film from the bottom of the window which is overlapping the door. Spray both sides as you go, this keeps the dirt from collecting.
Lower the window 2" and replace the now lifted film back onto the door.
Use trimming knife to follow curve of the window and remove excess film.
Next remove film completely from the outside of the window. put window up to about 2mm just at the top remove door interior panel and spray window on inside. squeege and then spray again and leave.
Next use two bits of sellotape on either side of film. pull apart slowly to separate backing film which is clear; as you seperate spray lots of solution on adhesive side of film. once completed offer the adhesive side of film to inside of window sliding up to 1mm of the edge of glass.
Next squeege and use the blockbuster card to work into the window track - start from the centre of the window - working outwards in every direction and then on each side working down to low as you can go pushing out any solution/ air bubbles.
Next take the hair dryer and use it on the top edge of the window curve feathering the hair dryer.moving back and forth (not to close) roughly about 4" from the glass for about 90 secs. put window up and use blockbuster card/smoothie to put the last inch and half of film down past the door panel level.
refit door panel.
all done.
On rear screen same applies as above regarding cleaning etc, take two pieces of film though, place them over each other about an inch and a half overlap. and an inch and a half all the way round. trim the full window then splice through the two pieces of film at once with a brand new trimming knife/razor blade, remove backing film as above and fit as above,marrying up the top and bottom sections.
job done.
hope this helps some members