Compression test oil ?

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 27, 2008
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Hi guys, we're working on the Pearl again. Massive blow by issues . Compression test half done but I'd like to know what kind of oil to use for the wet test, and approx how much ?
Thankyouplease 😉
That's possible but more likely over boosted , over fuelled and over enthusiastically driven 🤣
Anyway, we'll soon find out . Did wet comp test tonight. Not good. No1 and 4 showed a 60% ish rise when oiled. The other 2 only about 20% ish.
So engine out and rebore me thinks.
That's possible but more likely over boosted , over fuelled and over enthusiastically driven 🤣
Anyway, we'll soon find out . Did wet comp test tonight. Not good. No1 and 4 showed a 60% ish rise when oiled. The other 2 only about 20% ish.
So engine out and rebore me thinks.

Not worth just chucking a new one at it Pete or have you altered the original beyond that option?
Pete if you have abused it that much then I think you should be looking at another engine, the big ends and mains are likely to be shot as well, Rick
Bottom end sounds fine and dandy. Excellent oil pressure.
It had new big end shells .
It's got to come out regardless, so initially we'll pop the head off and have a butchers.
Once there , a plan of action will follow.
Hold that engine 😉
Bottom end sounds fine and dandy. Excellent oil pressure.
It had new big end shells .
It's got to come out regardless, so initially we'll pop the head off and have a butchers.
Once there , a plan of action will follow.
Hold that engine 😉

I can hold it until the 22nd November :thumb2 If it's not gone by then it's going to Portugal