well i bundled the kids and the missus into the mav and off we went with sat nav in hand.
i never even thought that there was more than one fort at tilbury.
i programmed in tilbury fort into the sat nav and within 35 mins we were in tilbury, we had a nice pimped sit up and beg behind us following us so obviously we were on the right tracks!
anyway we turned off into the fort and the sit up and beg carried straight on.
strange i thought, but we got to the fort to find no car show.
i spun the old girl round and chased after the old pimped ford!!!
we got around 2 miles down the road when i saw this ford coming back towards me, i flagged him down and asked where the car show was, he replied that he didnt know of a car show and was just out to burn some fuel and test drive his car after doing some mods!!
anyway, i thought me being me got the wrong weekend, so we went back to tilbury fort and had a good day there. we got chatting to the caretaker there and what a nice guy he was.
i would recommend a day there if you get bored one day.
Gutted for you
Good day was had, see photobucket Link
regards Paulp
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