Hi all; just put the Terrano on the road after a 2 week wait to get plates back from DVLA. Unfortunately not a very good start. Without warning the clutch pedal was flat to the floor, unable to change gear- had to stall the motor. If i hooked the pedal with my foot the pedal would return to a slightly lower position than it should be, but there was pressure there and could select gear. However the pedal would return to the floor again. Again when lifted the pedal had pressure but kept returning to the floor of its own accord slowly. looking under the bonnet i was not losing fluid from the master cylinder as you would have expected with the loss of pressure or from the slave, in fact no loss of fluid at all. The maste cylinder itself does look relatively new. All very strange. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on? It has to be a failure somewhere in the hydraulics. Could possibly the master cylinder be faulty. If so how much to replace.
Thanks Wayne
Thanks Wayne