Clutch Pedal

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2009
Hi Clutch on my Mav doesnt return like its supposed to, when I flick it up with my toe it drops back down straight away. Have checked fluid and all is fine but need to sort this, is there a download guide for it? I've read loads of old threads but what way is best to eliminate this annoying problem?
Cheers Rich..
Just oik it off and put a blanking piece instead. Also worth checking the flexi pipe and clutch return spring.
Any downloads / pictures to follow for this, cant see one in download section but maybe somebody has posted how to do it on another thread and I have missed it?
Cheers Rich..
had this when my clutch failed without warning.

still have damper pipe in place as garage did clutch swap.

very occasionally get in and clutch pedal on floor but toe
under it and up it comes and stays up.
more often when change gear it stays part down and toe
brings it up though clutch is fully engaged.
The clutch pedal return spring is two fold in operation, it is like an over centre device, once past about 25 mm down on the pedal it assists the pedal, that is why if it does not come back to the stop the pedal will sink if the master cylinder passes slightly, if it comes back to the stop then no problem, so why does it not come back to the stop? most times I have found that the small plastic bush in the pedal is worn and replacing this sorts it no problem, Rick
cheers rick,

i wonder now after we got this t2 that there was a noise from the spring
sometimes, not noticed though since clutch done. thought it needed lube.
clutch pedal

i had a problem like this the pipe to the slave cylinder had a hole in when ui changed it i found that i had to bleed the master cylinder aswell as the slave cylinder pedal then came back... i had to put new fluid as the drive from milton keynes to donna nook to glenrothes had emptied the res i drove back from scotland to mk with no clutch pedal
Just oik it off and put a blanking piece instead. Also worth checking the flexi pipe and clutch return spring.

what u mean by clutch spring? i can only see the one attached to the master & it's new. i have changed flexi, slave, & master plus blocked dampner. but still only returns half way

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