cheating girl freind

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
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have not been on here for a couple of weeks!!! as i found out that the girl freind was cheating on me:eek: i know things have not been the best between us for a while due to the stress of my work being slow due to the credit crunch ect....and the bills still to pay! but the worst easter i have had, after i found out what the cheating bitch been up too! i have a daughter which is still living with me as she is a daddys girl:) think i will find it hard to make ends meet at the mo tho as i have to pay all the bills on my own now.

anyway its a asshole from here work she has been seeing.....hes a right smooth talking git!!!! a right PRI.K ! well i phone her phone last week and he answered:eek: telling me stay away as she need some time to sort her head out!!! well i told him i will sort his head out with a shovel!!!

so i had a small drive to dig out last week,, so i tipped all the spoil concrete ect....... ON HIS DRIVE WAY!!!:thumbs made me feel better:D trouble got arrested and being done for criminal damage!!!:( wait till i get my hand on him:sly feeling bit sh.t at the mo:( at least still have daughter with me and the 2 dogs:) well dont want to go on!!! but feel better for getting a few of my probs of my chest:)
I like your style mate well done. Shame it means plod is now on yourn case. Bloody typical. Colin (extreme) needs plod to help him and cant get any, then you take rightful payback and get a slap:augie
Bring on the revolution, or at least the election:lol
Be lucky:cool:
hey if she's gone she's gone. at least you found out now rather than later. if you dont have kids together . id say your better off without the bitch.

move on join
i did and 2 weeks later i met a cracker.(ask paul )

passed on the web address to adz and he got sorted too.

cant rate the site enough and its free:thumbs

if you got any problems you want help on just mail me and ill give you my mobile, its always helpfull having someone on the end of the phone- when you really need them . think ive had most problems you might come across

good luck with the future , and remember your in charge of your own destiny . dont give them the satisfaction :D
bad news mate, but glad to hear you dished out some of your own justice, that nob-head shouldnt have done what HE did, let alone her, what a cock.

can you be charged for criminal damage? cant you just claim you assumed he wanted all this crap on his drive considering he had stolen your girlfirend from you?

well, all I can suggest is keep cool, if you have a daughter, you dont want to cause any upset for her or anything, but its great to hear you have her and shes standing by you, awww, cute!

take it easy!
Sorry to hear of your woes .

Have you been charged with criminal damage? was any damage actually caused ?

thanks to all for taking time to reply to my wows!!! helps a bit when you have a bit of surpport:) yes their was damage to the ****ers dive and lawn were i back over it a few times befor tipping the load in the middle of the drive:) not worried about the police.. that only a small thing on my mind at the mo!! been with the girl freind 12 years and am gutteted to tell the truth:(

im sure i will get though this but finding a bit hard at the mo with the lack of work and so on!!! as for my daughter she is still with me:) that what my daughter wanted to stay with me rather than go and stay at nan and gramps with her mum!!

dont know ware its all going..... as the girl freind used to do all my paper work ect. for my business as im crap with all that stuff!!!

she has told me that nothing has been going on with that ass hole from her work hes just a freind hmmmmmmmm not too sure about that!! he is completely different to me as im a little ruff round the edges due to my family back ground farmers!!! as he is a nice boy!!! never got his hands dirty!

any way have to go in a bit and try to get harriet(daughter) to bed she seems to think she can stay up with me and watch the tv:) thanks again for your time and replys:thumbs

o it be time for the super glue soon in his front door lock:sly
easy for me to say I know, but you'll get through it, and you'll get sorted business wise I am sure. Keep positive, and dont let anyone get you down (sounds like you certainly wont!!)

take it easy fella
well had bit of a shit day today:( another argument with the ex bird... she said if i say im sorry and move the concrete and shit from wan.ers drive he wont press charges:eek: well as you can quess that went down well ,her on his side saying that it was a childish act on my behalf!!!! LET ME THINK IF I WILL SAY SORRY I DONT THINK SO! atleast the crap is still on his drive:) may have to add a bit more!!!!!!!

then she started on about the house...who owns what typicall ! welll i have always payed the morgage and it was my money used as a deposit so told her it all mine! she said we will see!!! asked for the car back which i bought through the buisness.. she had the cheek to say how am i ment to get about... i pull the push bike out the shed and told her their you go!!!!

she seems like a difference person like evey thing is my fault! i have done nothing and she seems to blam me for evey thing.....

next i bet she will want daughter to go live with her,,,,, that is not going to happen as daughter rather be will me than with her,, dont see any point in upsetting daughter more than she is already!!!

she never gave the car back... BUT SHE SEEMS TO FORGET I HAVE THE SPARE SET OF KEYS:D
well had bit of a shit day today:( another argument with the ex bird... she said if i say im sorry and move the concrete and shit from wan.ers drive he wont press charges:eek: well as you can quess that went down well ,her on his side saying that it was a childish act on my behalf!!!! LET ME THINK IF I WILL SAY SORRY I DONT THINK SO! atleast the crap is still on his drive:) may have to add a bit more!!!!!!!

then she started on about the house...who owns what typicall ! welll i have always payed the morgage and it was my money used as a deposit so told her it all mine! she said we will see!!! asked for the car back which i bought through the buisness.. she had the cheek to say how am i ment to get about... i pull the push bike out the shed and told her their you go!!!!

she seems like a difference person like evey thing is my fault! i have done nothing and she seems to blam me for evey thing.....

next i bet she will want daughter to go live with her,,,,, that is not going to happen as daughter rather be will me than with her,, dont see any point in upsetting daughter more than she is already!!!

she never gave the car back... BUT SHE SEEMS TO FORGET I HAVE THE SPARE SET OF KEYS:D

well if your daughter is living with you . then you need to gently advise the appropriate authorities that is the services is a good place to start they can help you with benefits etc. next you will need to sign on as a single parent but again do it fast . like tomorrow.

now unless you are already unemployed and already getting through the mortgage releif 13 weeks. your a bit bolloxed there . so you need to write to the mortgage co advising them of the change in circumstances. tell the council tax people too ...... you need to get the fact you are now the childs sole carer regestered with everyone and fast . you need it on record that girly has gone and left the child in your care... but do it and do it fast.

or she can turn up with a bag of sweets and you have nothing when the child is in her care ... so get it sorted

need more tips pm me ill give you my number

oh and stop doing stupid dumb stuff. you have responsibilities now . so step up to the mark and show them you can manage very well without her
sorry to say its time to grow up - yes i know you wont like that - but how can you care for your child if in custody
thanks for the advise:thumbs will make a few phone calls tomorrow!!

have been on the phone to ex and she wants to come round tomorrow and have a talk with out any arguments!!! bet her parents have had a few words in her ear..... they may be a bit stuck up but they are down to earth and i have always got along with them!!! but if she mentions that pr.k and his drive dont know i will be able to holdd my temper.... but i will do my best thats all i can do!
might be a good idea to have a friend with you when she is there for a witness
a pretty blond with big boobs always works :thumbs

but yes a witness is good - i have to have police escort now just to attempt collection of my girls . then we are turned away police too :(

but not looking too clever is she its all on record and prob the best witness in the world the coppers ..... and i have done everything by the book . no black marks at all

but still dont get them .............. yet
dude, seriously, whos NAME is the mortgage in? And also who is the principal person listed on this and the council tax, the principal person is responsible.

you've done nowt wrong to bring about this situation, BUT if you do any more stuff like dumping concrete and crap on driveways, or punching someone out, you are gonan lose out mate cos she will turn it all around on you and use your actions against you, and most liekly lie her back teeth off and claim you drove her to this etc etc , you get the picture....
how did the big meeting go then buddy... hope you kept your calm;)

well had the ex round and all went well as her dad came along to keep the calm!! she dose not want things to get nasty between us as it would not be good for are daughter. so i hope no need for any of the soical service to stick theit noses in!!! still have daughter with me:clap the ex is going to do the school run ect still !!! so she see as much as her as me which i would want any way!!! her dad is going to let her have a flat that he owns which he usually rents outs.. so hopefully the house will stay as mine....

but the ass hole who i think started all this trouble wont drop any of the charges so it will be court for me!! i will get even with the smooth talking trouble maker tho, as it sticks in my troat what that ass hole has done to my family!

still fiding it a bit hard with out the bird around tho..her telling me what to do!! been a long time since i can do whater ever with out ear ache!! sure i will get used to it!!! so will up date all on her how thing are working out.. and thanks again to all for their replys and help:thumbs:thumbs
wish you luck mate.... just watch your back:thumbs

be prepared for anything... because they are capable of just that ANYTHING