Chasis Number and Model Code?

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Good Morning Rob,

Could you please supply us with both Chassis Number and Model Code for your vehicle so we can find the correct part.

Shane Brooks

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Macarthur
Sent: 28 February 2008 23:15
To: hanwellparts
Subject: Nissan Mistral Wheel Cap

Can you supply this part?

For Nissan Mistral Japanese Import 2.7 TD Jeep.


Can anybody tell me where to find the Chassis Number please for my Mistral (I expect somebody will say on the chasis but I need you to be more specific please. Also is the model code R20?


Your chassis number will be stamped on the silver chassis plat under the bonnet on the n/s, it's the very long letter/number. It will also be on you MOT :smile:
it will start yr20-****** (* = digits of yours etc) it is shorter than a uk chassis number so don't let the dealers fob you off, it's against the law to disciminate against imported vehicles now, example sorry sir we can't look up imported vehicle parts etc etc.

this number can also be found on the passenger side upper bulkhead wall chassis number plate, just below the rubber bonnet strip.

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