Hi all,
Posted a topic regarding having an engine management light up on my maverick which sometimes prevented starting and sometimes did'nt (see maverick engine immobiliser light flashing post). Today no problems occurred and all was well. Would i expect to get some fault codes following the download instruction if no light is currently showing? what is the best course of action on trying to resolve this issue? This has been an intermittent problem for too long now and sadly does'nt give me any confidence in what is a great vehicle. Any help or advice on a plan forward greatly appreciated.
Also noticed when ignition is on a kind of buzzing purging noise is evident from somewhere down the left side of the engine. sounds electrical rather than mechanical. is this normal?
Thanks in advance
1997 swb mav 2.7tdi
Posted a topic regarding having an engine management light up on my maverick which sometimes prevented starting and sometimes did'nt (see maverick engine immobiliser light flashing post). Today no problems occurred and all was well. Would i expect to get some fault codes following the download instruction if no light is currently showing? what is the best course of action on trying to resolve this issue? This has been an intermittent problem for too long now and sadly does'nt give me any confidence in what is a great vehicle. Any help or advice on a plan forward greatly appreciated.
Also noticed when ignition is on a kind of buzzing purging noise is evident from somewhere down the left side of the engine. sounds electrical rather than mechanical. is this normal?
Thanks in advance
1997 swb mav 2.7tdi