For some time now I was aware that my Maverick was pulling to the left...wasn't too bad to begin with but has been getting steadily worse. Now aware that braking increased the 'pull' considerably...With m.o.t imminent I thought I had better get things sorted out.
As soon as I took the wheel off the side that was 'pulling' I could see the problem straight away...the brake disc was 'rusty' ...least the bottom half of it was...the top half was not quite as bad...obvious symptoms of a seized caliper I thought..
Turns out the bottom slider pin was utterly seized...took a lot of heat,Plusgas, swearing and a great big bloody hammer to get the little blighter out..
Purchased a pair of new discs and pads from local motor factors...bit on the costly side ..but very good quality...I aint gonna scrimp on brakes...and set about stripping the offending 'pulling' side down first...
Stripping stuff down to get the hub off was a nasty shocks there then
Eventually got to the caliper itself and set about using my triggered C clamp thingy to push the pistons back so I could seat the new pads and get em over the way..actually I managed to get one pushed in and then noticed that the boot on tuther was split..thought about getting a refurb kit..but have had bother with that route in the past on other vehicles and thought...blow it..just replace the looked in a very sorry state...local motor factor me a brand spanking new one for £ messing about with surcharges and sending yer old one back to the supplier...not too bad a price considering I thought.
Did notice this though...I was going to order a couple of these new slider pins off ebay..|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318
They state that the length of the pins are 72.4mm...when I measured my old ones they came in at 60mm measured from end to end...big differnce there...I also measured the depth of the hole in the cradle that the bolts slide in..50mm...have decided to use my cleaned up old ones instead