Boost pressure

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Off road maniac
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Dec 25, 2009
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Found my 0 to 15 psi gauge yesterday and hooked it up, needle lifts off the stop at 1000 rpm and at 1100 it reads 1.5 psi but stops dead at 11 psi, book says 12.3 to 13.1 so got some investigating to do, hope it is just the waste gate needs a little tinkering, Rick
For a while now I’ve wondered why people got to all the effort of fitting boost gauges. Now I understand, just a way of keeping an eye on engine health in the same way as a temperature gauge or in older cars oil pressure gauge.
I'd also like to do this mod but last time it was discussed on here there seemed to be a little bit of a dispute as to what type of gauge was best for the Terrano

It seems that there's also a minefield of cheapo chinese looking rubbish to trawl through.

Can anyone save me some time and money and link me to one that doesn't look like it came straight out of Max Power and will give me a true accurate reading.

Hi Zac
Most of the gauges we find, will have half the dial dedicated to vac and the remainder showing boost.
Find a dial with boost only. Diesels don’t need a vac reading so your dial shows boost from 0-25psi and that way is far more accurate with more positive needle movement.
3bar racing do them, but there are others.
I’m on the hunt for one too
Tip. Go for a plastic boost hose. Don’t go down the silicone route, as they swell under pressure and will affect your reading.
Hi Zac
Most of the gauges we find, will have half the dial dedicated to vac and the remainder showing boost.
Find a dial with boost only. Diesels don’t need a vac reading so your dial shows boost from 0-25psi and that way is far more accurate with more positive needle movement.
3bar racing do them, but there are others.
I’m on the hunt for one too
Tip. Go for a plastic boost hose. Don’t go down the silicone route, as they swell under pressure and will affect your reading.

Just the type of reply I wanted!!! :thumb2

let me know how the hunt goes
As the waste gate servo was not adjustable I took it off for a look see, did a pressure test and it was opening way too low, had a look in the workshop as I knew I had a 2.7 turbo but was not sure if the servo was anything like the same, well they are except the shaft was too long so cut that down and now fitted, road test soon, while I was pressure testing I took the opportunity to test my boost gauge against an obsolete but good gauge in Kpa, 100 Kpa = 14.5 psi and my boost gauge read just shy of 15 so happy with that, the 2.7 servo opens about 14 psi so we will see, Rick
As the waste gate servo was not adjustable I took it off for a look see, did a pressure test and it was opening way too low, had a look in the workshop as I knew I had a 2.7 turbo but was not sure if the servo was anything like the same, well they are except the shaft was too long so cut that down and now fitted, road test soon, while I was pressure testing I took the opportunity to test my boost gauge against an obsolete but good gauge in Kpa, 100 Kpa = 14.5 psi and my boost gauge read just shy of 15 so happy with that, the 2.7 servo opens about 14 psi so we will see, Rick

You're a madman Ridley and I love it!!!!!!! :clap :clap :clap
Who else has chopped a 2.7 turbo up today to get their Patrol to boost better

The guys at work all want to meet you Rick, you're our hero today :thumb2 :bow
Went down the town intending to give it a blast but far too much traffic about, could not get it above 9 psi, but I also have my doubts about the pressure safety valve, it was very cruddy inside, thinks may be I need to remove the inlet manifold some time cos if it is a cruddy as the valve then it will need a clean out, Rick
OK not sure yet what is going on, no improvement to the boost, had a quick look on the AU forums and mixed numbers, some say 10 to 11 is OK others say they get 13, what I did notice was they are saying 12 to 13 hundred revs before boost boost whereas mine kicks in at 1000 3 inch exhaust maybe, seems there are lots of variables, time will tell, Rick

Are you sure its the higher boost reading for the y60 2.8, or is that for the y61 as they are slightly different as you know. I'm sure mine was around 13psi standard. Also I think you are right, exhaust will be making that spool difference as the standard is a huge restriction.
You are probably right and I am chasing the impossible, I have the RD28T manual and sure I read 12.3 to 13.1 as being standard but it is not clear if it is referring to Y60 or Y61, Rick
Get a TurboSmart turbo bleed valve manual boost controller and you can safely up the boost and adjust the fuel to suite. More power :D
I read something about this way back when I did my research for mine.
Every turbo has its own characteristics apparently, nothing is set in stone as to how it will perform. Mine tops out at 17psi before it’ll go into limp, but others can get up to and above 20psi.
Of course every turbo sounds different to the next also.
Just what I read...

But yours is a VNT or whatever so it can produce more but is controlled by the ECU, whereas mine has a waste gate, not going to open now that I have a 2.7 actuator on it, and a high pressure safety valve, ( clamped shut) and still only 10-11 psi at pedal to the metal @ 3k revs, of course without stripping it I have no idea if the waste gate is actually shutting properly, and the inlet manifold could be well crudded up, interesting when I tried another gauge, at idling it registered a vacuum which increased as I increased the revs to about 1k then it went positive so more investigation needed, but not now as too much to do, Rick