I am probably the last person to know about this, but I'll put it out there just in case...
I called 118118 on my mobile on New Years Day, who supplied the number and asked if I wanted to be put through. I said yes. I have just looked at my bill and the cost for the 8mins 51 sec call was £15.24.
What an absolute stitch-up!! Regards Alan
There was something on BBC1 last night about 118 118 and 118 500, a woman asked for NHS direct via 118 118, she was put through, then during the call it was decided that it should be a 999 case and was transferred, so the caller spoke to the 999 people and over the phone the caller was able to stabilise the patient, the bill arrived and was over £55.
Due to public pressure, as a 999 call should be free they cancelled the charge for the call.
Never be asked to be put through,
1 you never get the number so you will end up ringing again, and
2 the call is charged at a greater rate, more on mobiles etc
Also when you dial 1471 to see who rang you, don't return the call by pressing "3" as you will pay more for the call even though you may be on free evening calls etc.
Use the internet or ask a friend to use it via bt.com, these directory enquiries are free, or do it the old fashioned way.... Use a phone book.
Not always easy when you are out and about though.
You could visit a library, they have all the directories.