Be carefull out there

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Our main roads were a bit like that yesterday morning as the gritters had'nt been out :evil: :evil: :evil: 1st car we saw was on it's roof in a field 8O next 2 were either on top of the round about or in the ditch :roll: at 10mph on round abouts I was completly side ways & waiting for that BANG noise :roll: managed to get home without any damage but my blood preasure was up a bit :lol: The reason the roads were a solid lump of black ice for over 3 miles :evil:
be carefull

they didn't help them selfs by keeping the brakes on when skidding :? only ever had a bad experience like that once.lifted off the brakes and managed to steer past some parked cars and just left the clutch up in 1st gear and let it come to a stop on its own eventually.shook me up a bit but no one got hurt and nothing got damaged.
typical wife

yesterday (saturday) i was travelling on some narrow back roads didn't dream it was icy untill i slid sideways around a bend and clipped a mud bank which was better than the ditch and guess what the wife said "oh didn't you see that black ice i did!!!"
typical always tell you after the event!!!! :roll:
Re: typical wife

yellabelly said:
yesterday (saturday) i was travelling on some narrow back roads didn't dream it was icy untill i slid sideways around a bend and clipped a mud bank which was better than the ditch and guess what the wife said "oh didn't you see that black ice i did!!!"
typical always tell you after the event!!!! :roll:

thats the wifes job to tell you AFTER!!

didnt you KNOW that, how long you been married.. tut tut

My wife had a close shave ( and not on her chin before you say it :lol: ) today lost traction and slid into the kerb on the other side of the road, Good job no pedestrians or cars coming and no harm done except a bit of a kerbed alloy!

She drove the same stretch home in 4x4 and had no problems, if nothing else it inmrpoves engine braking when you take your foot off the juice.
PLANK said:
My wife had a close shave ( and not on her chin before you say it :lol: ) today lost traction and slid into the kerb on the other side of the road, Good job no pedestrians or cars coming and no harm done except a bit of a kerbed alloy!

She drove the same stretch home in 4x4 and had no problems, if nothing else it inmrpoves engine braking when you take your foot off the juice.

umm naughty naughty , 4wd on tarmac now your in trouble lol

i say live to fight another day and take it easy in 4wd on tarmac. i aint broke mine yet
She has a suzuki 4x4 on tarmac no problems, you can change in and out on the fly up to 60mph according to the book but I have been a passnger in one and the driver changed into 4x4 at 90mph and back out at over 110 with no issues and he does it regularly!

Having said all that I wouldnt care to do it myself it seems a bit harsh on the drive train just thinking about it! but it really is smooth as a passanger I have felt no jerk or bump at all, no clutch needed just shift the transfer lever. My most adveturous attempt had been at about 25 mph and i still depress the clutch :oops: yes i know i'm a coward :wink:
i always stop ... so im just a wimp. mine just makes a slight grinding noise if i try while driving... it dont bother me stopping anyway. but then i will leave it in for a long while then till im sure i wont need 4wd for a while

if i need 4wd il use it, if im on tarmac all day ill have 2wd
im not switching all the time

and if tarmac is dangerous ill have 4wd
Two words..... mechanical appreciation :wink:

My truck is 16 years old next year so I always stop before switching between 2 & 4wd, even though it's supposed to be ok switching below 40kph
I look at it like this imagine the speed all the diff and gear box bits are going round at at 60 mph and the front diff and transfer gears at a stand still, then briniging the two together suddelnty and one set of gears has to go from 0 to 60 mph in a fraction of a second, it does seem a bit over the top. But having said that I have not heard of any isssues related to doing this so it must be failry good, But i think once you have had issues with T2' auto hubs you are paranoid about such things for the rest of your life, 'post auto hub stress syndrome or 'PAHSS' :lol: