BBC revels in 4x4 bashing NCAP Results

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Apr 2, 2006
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Just seen BBC news 24. The did a feature on the Navara NCap results. Called it one of the most dangerous vehicles on the road.

There were 2 safety issues.

1 the airbag on the passenger side deployed a fraction too late causing the dummy's head to go under it and hit the screen.
2 they did not like the way the body crumpled arround the occupants feet during head on impact with a concrete block.

They (not sure if it was Ncap or BBC) were saying that Nissan should recall and redesign (not clear what part of it they were on about body crumple or air bag)

Rep from Nissan said that only 2008 models were affected and they had already informed dealers and owners and were taking steps to recify (again unclear if this applies to the body crumple or airbag)

Finally BBC wrapped it up by refering to 4x4 as ugly and comparing it to "much Smaller" cars which have much better, 5 out of 5, Ncap safety ratings.

Gave me the impression, again, that the good old impartial BBC, which we all pay for with our licence fee, is a bit anti 4x4.

Would any "small" (more acconomical) car on the market with similar NCap rating warrant a full blow report like this? Would they be so keen to draw the public's attention to it (afterall in is in the public interest to scare munger is it not?)? or is it just jumping on the 4x4 bashing bandwagon again? Surely as these factors are only relevan to the users of these vehicles and Nissan are already contacting them was there any point in making such a big deal over it?

They have tried frightening all the non-4x4 users in the country with horror stroies about the carnage, death and distruction 4x4s leave in their wake, now they are trying to put us all off from ever buying one because of the deathtrap the pose to the occupants!

BBC = Blinking Bias Codswallop (toned down so i dont get a roasting from the mods)

Rant Over
nissan made me laugh though only 2008 models afected blimey there the latest ones youd have thought theyd been best!
i agree 4x4 bashing as per normal but in the floods what where they using for rescue and delivering supplies a 4x4 police service where i live use 4x4s paramedics 4x4s and the real annoying point when you are close to the vehicle the road tax states free not £400 that they state new 4x4s to pay
wouldnt wanna be selling fairly new navara this week would ya!
Airbag, could happen on any vehicle, that isn't a 4x4 issue.

But in terms of occupant safety, yes,probably likely that a 4x4 doesn't have as good passenger safety as a smaller car.

Some of you may have seen this before

OK, its a reno vs disco, but its likely the results would be replicated with most 4x4s with a ladder chassis.
on navara forum there was a dealer recall last week for airbag so nissan trying to sort it! also commercial vehicles not usally tested aparently? but gues most navaras sold as luxury suvs
yeah but an isurance toll states that 4x4s and suv's are the least vehicles on the road to have accidents but we are picked on as normal
I had a letter in the other week about the airbag so Nissan are taking it seriously.

Regards the crumble thing, unless I'm mistaken they test by driving into a solid immovable object, which is reality are few and far between in the real world.

Reality is if I have a head on with a "normal" in my Nav, it'll most likely rip the car apart and/or drive right over it.

So, I should just not drive into any solid immovable objects ;-)

On another note, I also have a 1979 VW van, between my legs and the immovable object is about 2 thin sheets of steel, if I rear end someone in that thing at speed it's bye bye legs. Yes, it's a risk. Yes driving my Nav is a risk, but then, so is crossing the road.

Finally, I did have a nasty near miss the other day: Came round a fast corner, admittedly going too fast (bout 80mph) to be faced with a stationary tractor, I jumped on the brakes, I swear if my mouth was open my tongue would have hit the screen, the brakes are so so powerful, and not a hint of skid. Seriously impressive.

Bottom line, would i swop my Nav for something with a better rating? Not a chance. Still prefer driving my T2 though ;-)
jace said:
on navara forum there was a dealer recall last week for airbag so nissan trying to sort it! also commercial vehicles not usally tested aparently? but gues most navaras sold as luxury suvs

I got an 06 Navara and nissan called it back to adjust the timing for the airbags.

erm i didn't know there was a Navara forum, have you a link?