can some one take pic off there battery fitted to car Nissan tranno 2 think my friends has incorrect battery fitted there a clamp at front off batt loks like it should clamp on to lip off battery but this battery don't have one thanks guys :thumbs
Sounds like he has the wrong battery fitted. He will have to find some way of holding it down securely, an unsecured battery is dangerous and an MOT failure.
Mine a 1999 t2 and it has a hook and strap system.....
Wow, that's a big battery Paff
Yeah the earlier ones had a metal plate that slotted over the front lip of the battery and were then secured down by x2 12mm bolts
Is it?
Not had a T2 before and have nothing to compare it to.
What should it have on then?
Wow, that's a big battery Paff
Nah that's just a battery. Mine is off the edge of the tray
I've got a duo leisure/starter battery thing and it has no lip at the bottom so I had to make a bolt and hook system :thumb2
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