here's one way
and there's also this way with a computer psu,
haven't seen the videos but the computer PSU one seems the best method, as that should be a better output, in these situations Ohms law is your friend :thumb2
If you're going to use a computer PSU, don't do what the idiot in one of the clips has done by shorting two of the output cables.
It's a switchmode supply and all switchmodes have current sensing. If you stop drawing current it will collapse the loop and it will shut down.
To keep it running, it will need to see a load on the 5volt rail ( yellow ).
Connect a 12volt 21W standard car bulb between a yellow and black ( this will glow slightly but is needed to draw a few hunderd milliamps )
You can now safely use red 12volt and Yellow 5volt Blue -12volt. :thumbs
Just for the record...
If you used a standard battery charger as a 12 volt supply, you would have to add capacitors to the output, at a rate of 1000 microfarad per amp, so if you put 4700uF on the output, the supply would be good for just over 4amps.
This will raise the peak voltage on the supply and capacitor to well over 18 volts, so then you have to set about creating a regulated supply.
13.6 volts will be good for car rate items, car radios included.
I use the LM317 regulator which is only good for 1.5 amps, it will need a heat sink, and of course all the protection items, fuse, case, ventilation, switch etc
For higher currents you will need a higher current regulator, assuming the battery charger is able to produce this current.
So using a computer power supply will be the best thing, it is ventilated with a fan, but also you might need to link 2 pins which is the equivalent of an on off switch on the computer to get it working as well, that's what I did when I wanted a 5volt supply as well as a 12 volt supply.
Hope it helps,
Best regards, Rustic
I hadn't really thought about that to be honest, I've got a few decent car batteries.
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