At long long last I have got my car back

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2008
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Thank f*ck for that! Four weeks they had it. Every time there was a problem, instead of ringing me, they did nothing, and waited for me to ring them, so a day/some days were lost each time.

When I complained at the length of time/lack of information I was told they were doing me a favour by taking on the work in the first place and that I wasn't their only customer!

Yesterday morning, after they had gone past their third promised delivery date, I got annoyed so they threatened to close at 1pm and just not bother until Monday morning. Even though I wanted to tear their heads off I had to apologise and be really nice.

The bill was £1,698.11 - ouch. When I said it was expensive, they said it should have been more. I doubt that.

Will the local Office of Fair Trading check the bill is fair for me?

That's £498.11 more than I paid for my T plate Teranno II!

They sound like an arrogant bunch of tossers!

Good luck with trading standards.

What on earth did they do?

Sounds a lot but you probably wont get any where with Trading Standards but I guess you have nothing to lose. Have they given you a breakdown of costs on the bill or is it just a total on the receipt?

I would say don't go back again!

Goodness me thats a bit steep, dont think trading standards will be much help to you but it is worth a go. Good luck.
hm i hope the bill was itemised karin , or i suspect you wont be able to do anything , but trust me , there are some good people out there :)
i wouldnt have paid that unless they had kept me informed, along the way, an di had agreed to each and every item as it was being done. Because at that cost, i couldve bought another one!
Manual box, I couldn't get it out of first and into second when cold, was very notchy between all gears. First motion shaft bearing v. noisy. Bad smell when the car got hot.

1 Drain oil from gearbox and transfer box. Refill with correct oil. First and second work from cold but first motion shaft bearing even noisier.

2 Remove, strip and inspect gearbox. Make list of parts. Too expensive to fix and not all parts available anyway. (Nissan would sell me a complete new gearbox - for £4.5k plus VAT)

3 Fit Bat 21's gearbox, fit new clutch, fit second hand flywheel, put back together. Fill with appropriate oil.

4 Change engine oil and filters.
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Does anyone think £1,035 plus VAT in labour is excessive for the above please?

Does anyone think £1,035 plus VAT in labour is excessive for the above please?

this works out to 23 hours at £45 per hour. did they itemise the hours and the cost of each hour? Seems to be a long time.
I asked for it to be broken down by hour. They have only broken it down by job. I can't discuss this with them directly because the wife (who does the bookwork) gets very shouty and makes statements like "We have other customers you know, who are booked in" then shouts me down when I suggest that I was also booked in.

I am going to ask the solicitors at work if they can write and get a proper hour break down.