You need another two options,
I used to flash oncomming drivers as a warning of a speed trap.
To hell with that now.
I may still flash if there is an obstruction in the road, as long as it's not obstructing the Police. OK officer.... or is that an offence too?
What about these ass****s, that when they leave a friend's house, they beep the horn to say good bye...
Surley the host knows they are going.... even after 11:00 pm
2 offences there.
Also, people (mostly women), who get in their car to drive home, phone a friend on their mobile, then move off from the car park while still on the phone. WHY ????? Can't they just wait ??? These people are dangerous, but rarely caught.
Are we wrong flashing drivers that haven't put on their lights at night, as they were committing an offence.
Are we wrong flashing drivers or similar gesticulations if they are driving like idiots because they are on the phone and not concentrating on their driving.
If some one steals something in a shop are we depriving the police from arresting them, if we intervene and catch the culprit?
If we stop a policeman ( or anybody else) from being beaten to death, have we obstructed the police by stoping the greater criminal offence of murder, and get it reduced to GBH. :nenau :nenau :nenau :nenau
HOW ridiculous, what happened to common sense.