Adz personal life & why i've not been on much

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Well-known member
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May 24, 2009
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Been to court twice in the past 3 weeks over my children :(

Been accused of raping her :eek:
Got arrested & bailed on Thursday (10.12.09) :rolleyes:

CSA are taking half of my wages

So my world has been turned upside down :(

Although it was her who finished it :nenau
Her who cheated

Her who is committing benefit fraud :eek:
Her & her family abusing my kids

I'm the 1 who is getting all the grief

& the kids are suffering

They wonder why fathers kill themselves or take the kids :(

Its a womans world & men have no rights & are guilty till proving innocent :eek:
Sorry to hear what you are going through,especially at this time of year. Hang in there,the kids will need you in their life. Hope something can be worked out so that you can still see your kids regularly.
i didnt see 4 of my kids for over 15 year! no once! so i know how it feels, even after all this time my ex is still hostile and i really dont understand why we have both been remarried for longer than we were ever together.

My son is 20 i have seen him 2 times in ten years, she told him live under my roof --- my rules.

she was the lazy bitch that contributed nothing took everything and sat on her crack all day and left the house like a shit pit.

BUT i was a bad man because i rode a bike and wore a patch that makes me stand by my brothers in arms and believe in loyalty.

guess what she is still a lazy bitch (on benefits) and I still ride with my brothers in arms.

HER choice not mine but I am the bad man.

SHE got married while I was WORKING in Spain!!!!!! WTF was that all about?

stick with it mate

all the best Paulp

PS the rape bit will blow over I was also accused of the same shit but I was visiting my family in Nottingham.

My family were also liars my bank account withdrawals made a mockery of the lies
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sorry to hear this Adz, I think its typical that the man gets the blame for everything, thats this world through and through. seems to me that in the eyes of the law, the man is much easier to blame for things. All I can say mate is fight it as much as you possibly can. somewhere out there exists justice, I hope you find it.