98 mav ignition key.

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hi to all.just re-newed my membership for my 2nd year,& thankfully up to yet never had to ask for help cos the old girl just keeps going!!however i can see a problem looming!!i have a 98 mav 2.7 tdi.when i bought her there was only 1 key,an original ford key,but the black one.there was no red master key!!the original black key is getting really thin now & i'm thinking that one day it's gonna snap!!i've been told my key can be cloned with a new chip?i did go down the road of getting just a normal ford key cut,which works if you open the door & get the car started quick,but i've been told that if used so many times it will render the starting system dead?i've done this twice & didn't dare use it anymore after i was told this.can anyone help me,i dont want my mav to die!!!
does anyone know about transponder keys??

what i meant to say was if a key was used that didnt have a chip it would render the ignition u/s cos youve used a chip less key.ive heard your key can be cloned by a completely new key with a copied transponder chip in it.it would cost an absolute fortune to go through ford for a new master key & then produce copies from that.
why not just go to the breakers and have a new barrel with 2 keys ?
that will fix the problem

on my Volvo
if i remember the local lads showed me the chip in the key is only linked to a small receiver next to the barrel so you just bypass the receiver and your away. gets passed the immobiliser and everything. if it has one. but never seen one on my t2 so it might not even have one

not that im suggesting you hot wire cars or anything:augie:augie:augie

you only need a key to get the steering lock off:cool: and your off....

now thats what i call free motoring:eek:
does anyone else have a timed thing between unlocking and turning key.... ive not seen it on any of them.

are you sure this is a standard thing or an extra immobiliser