... Why is it that we get stressed out at MOT time and women don't bother? or is it just me, and my wife doesn't give a damn
Del Boy summed it up,
Women worry about their PMT,
Men worry about their MOT.
I think it is the Hunter Gatherer principle, Men feel the need to provide a home and food for the family, the car plays a major part in fulfilling this role.
Traditionally the Men were the main wage earner (no longer the case) and required transport to get to work, and also to be able to get to the shops too.
So the car became the man's responsibility in most cases.
Women, in my opinion, don't worry about it as they know it will get fixed.
Their attitude is throw money at it, get it sorted same day, why worry.
Men generally are tight, and don't want to spend hard earnt money on it, and would rather spend hours, even days fixing it, after all the worry and stress of course. With of course the total satisfaction of sorting it yourself.:thumb2
Now... thinking about it, who has the right attitude to the MOT?
I now think the women.
Anyway, good luck with yours.