tony2002 said:
As a newbie to my terrano II (01) SWB I need some help, when 4x4 is engaged it comes to a halt quicker when the clutch is depressed than when in 2 wheel drive noticeably so. It also takes far more revs in first to get moving and you can feel the resistance through the 4x4. Is this normal??
I hope you are not using 4 wheel drive on dry road surfaces, you may cause damage to the front hubs, gearbox or at the least you will get excessive tyre wear.
The issue is that there is no differential between the front axle and the rear, and the tyres at the front will probably have different tread depth to the rear, so you will get transmission wind up, as the front tyres try to catch up with the rear. If you are in 4x4 on a dry road your vehicle will come to a stop. Equally you will have to overcome this wind up when you set off. Then the tyres will start to wear excessivly OR the front hubs may break the rings in the hub. There are plenty of threads on this issue.
Find some gravel, or wet grass to play on, I know when I first got mine I wanted to try it.
The 4x4 works really well when the conditions are right. Snow, Ice etc.
Just a quick note, the rear diff is a limited slip rear diff and behaves differently to a normal diff, in that if you loose traction on one side, power is still transmitted to the other. The oil is a special oil for this to work, and I would advise that you have the same type of tyres with the same tread depth on the rears to save the rear diff working too hard. Again there are plenty of threads on this.
Any way, welcome to the club, it is better to ask these questions early on rather than trying to repair it after the event. When you get time have a look through some of the threads, you will be surprised how easy some jobs are on these vehicles. Someone has probably had the same problem or knows how to fix it. These are great reliable vehicles so enjoy.
If you want to see how well she goes in the mire ... join or visit one of the laning days in your area.
Very best regards, Rustic