Sorry guys, I've been away for the weekend and just got home.
I was planning a green lane day for then but not having the Patrol anymore cannot lead in the Mav. (For those that don't know the ground clearance is very restricted, and kept that way for my wife).
I think Mavs idea of an off road pay and play site is a good idea, and places like Kirton are very good. I will bow to opinion and let you all decide.
If you want a pay and play day then Tommo is the best one to advise on Kirton. It could make a good weekends mini meet.
If you still want a Derbyshire day I'm quite happy to organise and run it, but will only be taking limited part in it(Unless i have a "new" off roader by then). I may combine it with a weekend away, possibly mini meet if the interest is there. Maybe use it as a instuctional day/wekend? But beware, I did a couple of lanes in the Mav this weekend and they are very overgrown with the current weather we've had. I have some scratches on the Mav that will need to be 'T' cut out.
So, its over to you lot to decide, but don't take too long in making up your minds as these things cannot happen overnight.