12v to 24v ????

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Sep 30, 2014
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Hi all, I have a sink with built in water heater in the back of my new truck, it's off an HGV which means it's 24v, I was wondering if there is a way I could get it to work from my 12v volt supply in the car, it does get luke warm as is but It would be great if I could get it working correctly.

If I can't I will buy a volt sensitive relay and a temp sensor that will cut the power when water is hot enough, if such a thing exists.

Thanks in advance guys, Dakar Doug ( formerly t-doug) :lol:D:lol:D
you can get converter but I'm guessing because it's a heating element it will pull quite a few amps.
That is around 10 amps @ 24v so around 20 amps @ 12v you need to get a converter rated at at least 30 amps continuous or it will over heat, the tank you have should have an inbuilt thermostat, Rick
i put a 150w 12v water heater in my old van as it did not have hot water,it was put into a 5lte water holder connected to a switch that was connected to a temp thermostat and when on drew 18amps and took about 30 mins to get to 40c.i set it all up out on field running it from my car and tested to see how well it worked and timed to see how long it got to temp and did get a lot of onlookers to see what i was doing.no engine was running.it worked a treat so built it into van toilet box and fitted a shower via a 12v water pump with the switch in there.i then t ed off to run a tap to the kitchen sink.this worked well in the brighter summer days but not so good in the winter when my 400w roof panels would not have the output but on the whole i could shower and wash in van,i think total cost was about 70 pounds.yes i used gas when no sun as water holder had to be filled up as not connected to water barrel as only a cold foot pump.
Thanks guys :thumb2
So I will need at least a 30amp converter to 24v, and I am going to fit a volt sensitive relay before it, that way it will only come on when my battery reaches 13.8v ish and the heater will then get 24v. Yes, there is a thermostat built into it, it should work as designed if I give it 24v :thumbs:thumbs