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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. Tubbs

    Sad day

    Sedona 2.2
  2. Tubbs

    Sad day

    sad day for me i have just sold my patrol because of fuel and only because of fuel i have trader her in for brand new kia. Its also a sad day that i no longer own a nissan which for more than 8 years i have done and more than 7 years i have been a member of this club and made some great friends...
  3. Tubbs

    im not racist but can you belive this

    Maybe the burqa should be banned. She certainly hasn't done her religion any favours. aca news Australia. The woman In the burqa was pulled over by the police because she was a "P" plate (provisional) driver and the plates weren't displayed correctly. He asked her for her license and...
  4. Tubbs

    awning size

    yes mesure the awning rail from floor to floor
  5. Tubbs

    Modded 4x4 insurance only

    Talking about insurance my boy just turned 17 my old man gave him a1.1 saxo and the quotes are stupid any whare from £2500 up to £13000 how are these boys supposed to get on the road but if i change his status to miss instead of mr it is halfed if it was the other way round we would be having...
  6. Tubbs

    east midlands rally

    i dont want to put a downer on things but i am one of the people that organised the rallys year after year we had some good ones but you organize it all and the they start dropping out then your left with 3 or 4 then it starts getting hard work so like dave d says choose somewhere let others...
  7. Tubbs

    bye bye

    all the best ernie we have had fun at the rallys like when you got dressed and shrk1e shot you with paintball all the best
  8. Tubbs

    Any members in Lincoln ?

    im an hour away
  9. Tubbs

    Mavs Birthday

    Yesterday was mavs (micks) 50th birthday we had a supprise party for him at the local pub and some of the old members came along (sharkie and rich the ditch ) just wanna wish mav all the best
  10. Tubbs

    longest membership

    september 2004 and how can we all forget frazzel :thumbs
  11. Tubbs

    longest membership

    i will plank
  12. Tubbs

    longest membership

    i just been talking to mav in the pub lol
  13. Tubbs

    longest membership

    it was mav then me the dates were all set back when it was changed once when sharkie upgraded me mav jim and rbrt are the longest when it was nissan4x4@blueyonder 2003 it was first put on air sharkie and another old member started it then mick and sharkie then mick and now bat
  14. Tubbs

    2010 rally

    late september would be nice
  15. Tubbs

    2010 rally

    looks ok do you fancy getting some prices
  16. Tubbs

    2010 rally

    does any body know of anybody with a field i got marquee i could bring no prob or it is just a Suggestion before any one jumps on me wicksteed park at kettering could do it any time becuse its short notice
  17. Tubbs

    2010 rally

    is it just a meet up with a field or has there got to be off roading
  18. Tubbs

    Happy new year one and all

    Happy new year from all of the tubbs family
  19. Tubbs


    hope she soon better ian give her all our best
  20. Tubbs

    Like a rash im backkkkkkkk

    yes i have mate send me your email address lee [email protected]