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  1. thecrazycabbage

    Soggy Bottom (Oil Leak)

    Can't be that difficult - it's 'only a rubber seal!' Good job I have access to some ramps
  2. thecrazycabbage

    Soggy Bottom (Oil Leak)

    I wish it were so simple - leak off pipes are dry, and she is using engine oil at an alarming rate
  3. thecrazycabbage

    Soggy Bottom (Oil Leak)

    Not long since bought her Tbh, but have all the belts to do anyway
  4. thecrazycabbage

    Soggy Bottom (Oil Leak)

    o/ Looks m my poor terry's got a leak...... After many cans of Jizer and a jet wash, it seems shes wet from the bottom up (hurr hurr :naughty). Now, many years in the motor trade tells me that oil leaks can't go up, right? Well, this is soaking with engine oil from the PAS pump all the way...
  5. thecrazycabbage

    Bong noise!!!

    If you're in/around North Yorkshire send me a pm, I have a friend with a set of pneumatic shaker plates - sure to give you a wiggle!
  6. thecrazycabbage

    Hi again!

    Looks like your 100% record is unbroken! Squirt of ezstart, and brummm! Can of ezstart - £1.50 Rejoining forum - £ 10 Avoiding dealer prices and getting a proper expert advice - Priceless!
  7. thecrazycabbage

    Hi again!

    In sunny scotland for 2 days, but when i get back, imma try on easy start, ive got a crank sensor (just in case) and ill take the plunger out of the stop solenoid too. As well as double checking all the relays and fuses! I shall report back! Any ideas why a flat battery would cause it to 'lock...
  8. thecrazycabbage

    Hi again!

    Interesting - yes i do, never thought of that. Although the red NATS L.E.D DOES go off? [EDIT] ...Nope.....
  9. thecrazycabbage

    Hi again!

    Yup, tried that too. Even tried leaving the ignition on for 15 mins - no avail. Just been out and checked the 2 earths on the inlet manifold, they're ok too
  10. thecrazycabbage

    Hi again!

    Heya all! I'm back - new beastie, new problems! Finally got rid of the old Mk1 T2 (still have rolling chassis/engine/box if anyone wants) Got myself a new P reg T2 2.7 TDI! ]Did something funny the other night - the starter motor 'stuck on' - ran on without turning over the engine. This...
  11. thecrazycabbage

    you couldnt make this up.....

    Nah, just age, plenty of threads, just corroded. Got a new one, inner and outer and adjuster for 50 from unipart, it's a first line part
  12. thecrazycabbage

    you couldnt make this up.....

    Right, piccies time;
  13. thecrazycabbage

    you couldnt make this up.....

    Nah, tracking is.....was spot on, and it's pulled a lot of threads out, ill show you later. Seen it before on an old shogun I think it was. Not having much luck, just glad it didn't happen at 60 mph on my way home!
  14. thecrazycabbage

    you couldnt make this up.....

    Well, a few of you know I've been having some electrical faults with my truck recently. Tonight a new one that's rendered me off road, and not in the good way! Pulled out of my parking spot and heard a really nasty clunk, followed by a total loss of steering. Seems the outer track rod end has...
  15. thecrazycabbage

    Diff lock light

    It's possible, ill give it a go, might change the box oil too, it's deffo mechanical, on/off the throttle/clutch when cold ,so we'll see what happens!
  16. thecrazycabbage

    Diff lock light

    That easy, huh? Just normal atf? Any addatives worth putting in?
  17. thecrazycabbage

    Diff lock light

    Ok, New update on the 4x4 light, and I think this rules out mice! When cold, light is out. Start moving, and it comes on. Dip the clutch, (any gear) it goes out. After its ggotten a few hundred meters, it comes on permanent. There are no whining/clunking/odd noises in any gear, 2, 4 or 4L box.
  18. thecrazycabbage

    Diff lock light

    Sounds reasonable. Oh, and the fuel light does work, but doesn't cone on till the needles in the bottom of the red! So, where are the main earths, are they clear enough in the manuals?
  19. thecrazycabbage

    Diff lock light

    well, in searching for the immobilizer fault, i had the dash in pieces, no sign of the critter there, but i shall continue to search! Might lock a cat in there overnight.....