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  1. R

    Close your eyes its not what you think

    Don't believe all the rumours there not that bad, although there never going to compare with the Likes of the Terrano in the comfort stakes, you can still clock up the milage in one :)
  2. R

    Close your eyes its not what you think

    That's the trouble with anything with the green oval I'm afraid you have to add a Zero to the cars real value £5k for a £500 car Supply and demand ......I think prices are ridiculous. The Defender has such a cult following though, there almost an investment :nenau,
  3. R

    Close your eyes its not what you think

    suppose that's what you call a bargain then :thumb2 Hate to see the state a 90 would be in for £150
  4. R

    Close your eyes its not what you think

    Bargain of the century £2352 plus £124 for 6mnths Tax I couldn't resist :D
  5. R

    Close your eyes its not what you think

    Whilst looking for a SWB Terrano I stumbled on this and being a Landy fan I just had to have it One owner chassis waxoyled from new its in really good shape for an old 90 Sorry f this hurts your eyes but nothing like a bit of variety [/URL][/IMG]
  6. R

    Terrano reliability

    No problem Bat mate (you still hangin about with Robin) matters closed with me
  7. R

    Terrano reliability

    Not got a problem with anyone Never had a crossed word with firebobby and he calls me a mug and a prick You know the funny thing is he drives a 3.0ltr, I was inches away from buying one and I asked for advice about the 3.0ltr engine He wasn't so quick to post then, and yet he has the cheek...
  8. R

    Terrano reliability

    Another keyboard warrior, whom I doubt very much would call me a prick to my face :confused:
  9. R

    Terrano reliability

    This threads going in the wrong direction My first comment about a real 4 x 4 was a bit of wit, it was meant in jest, sorry to offend I really didn't think it would be taken that way I really did fancy a Terrano as previously stated.... I've had Land Rovers all my Life I know what they are...
  10. R

    Terrano reliability

    Anyway thanks to those that offered some help Think I better make my way over to one of them erm Land Rover Forums before the Fender gives up the ghost Are they proper forums by the way :augie or do Nissan forums pull them out of the MUD also Later people :thumbs
  11. R

    Terrano reliability

    I asked a question about a possible purchase how many reply's......... let me count........ erm ...... 1 Mention a Land Rover my god there all out the wood work might of been better offering some constructive advice and I might of bought a Nissan
  12. R

    Terrano reliability

    Crawl back in your hole :doh
  13. R

    Terrano reliability

    Well that was my choice disco 2 or Terrano Disco 2 is a total heap of proverbial couldn't find anyone with anything good to say about them , only thing that put me off the Terrano was not being able to find a good one as in no sill rot, The only decent one I could find was a 3.0l and I just...
  14. R

    Terrano reliability

    Been around Land Rovers all my life, but really fancied a Terrano I know how capable they are off road but no need for mines better than yours shite especially when its just not true Solarman your Terranos ass is so near the ground I struggle to see how you can call it off roading :nenau It...
  15. R

    Terrano reliability

    Doesn't really matter now .... Gone and bought myself a real 4 x 4 got my self a Defender Every Terrano I looked at was seriously suffering from Tin worm probably worse than most Land Rovers, so decided to stick with what I know cheers any way guys :)
  16. R

    Terrano reliability

    Nope :nenau
  17. R

    Terrano reliability

    Finally found one without the dreaded TIN worm Only problem is, its star ship enterprise mileage its done 186k :eek: Its a 2005 3.0 and the price reflects the mileage, full service history owned by the same chap since new How good are these engines is it worth a punt or should it be avoided
  18. R

    Terrano reliability

    I've been to look at 4 cars know :eek: RUST RUST and even more RUST, I thought Land Rover had a bad reputation for the brown flaky stuff, Every one I've viewed has had issues with the sills. Is it really worth looking at the 1999 cars is there that much of a difference, The ones I've seen have...
  19. R

    Terrano reliability

    Me too Just read some of the rust related posts :eek: seems the rear floor pan suffers pretty bad is that quite common . Hope I'm not jumping out of the frying pan into the fire no good having a reliable truck with no floor Going to have to go over the underneath with a fine tooth comb me thinks
  20. R

    Terrano reliability

    Thanks guys endorsing what I've already heard :thumb2 To be honest I'm yet to find somebody with something bad to say about them . Quite used to tin worm being a Land Rover owner, one gets quite acquainted with the dear old mig torch . Will have a good look at past threads see if I can identify...