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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. J

    '97 Terrano II in Oz.

    We have MOT... But it's just called a Road Worthy Certificate. NSW has to have one every year, just like you lot... The rest of Oz, we just have a RWC done with most transfers of title or registration of de-registered vehicles.
  2. J

    '97 Terrano II in Oz.

    Hahaha! Sticky and wet, I think I'm going to like hanging around here. Actually, my wife comes from Darwin... :P Victoria is warmer in the north, but where I live (south/south east) it is cold, wet, damp, muddy... Kind of like an english summer? Lol. Summer is hot, dry or humid no matter where...
  3. J

    '97 Terrano II in Oz.

    There was approx. 600 sold here. No idea how many diesel and how many petrol though.
  4. J

    '97 Terrano II in Oz.

    G'day All, My name is Josh, I joined the forum not even 10 minutes ago and have decided I'd do the good thing and introduce myself and my Terrano II. I'm a panel beater (auto body repairman), I live in Tecoma in the shire of Yarra Ranges in Victoria, Australia. My father in law decided to hand...