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  1. G

    Terrano 2 2.7 for sale

    Sadly I am parting with my Terrano :( I simply have run out of spare time to fix it, having just started a new job with the NHS as a Doner Carer for mobile blood donations. With all the homework and long days realistically I just wont ever get it done. Below is the wording from the ebay...
  2. G

    What NATS version

    Terrano 2 1998 2.7 diesel with the separate Siemens 5wk4 782 418MHz two button, one red one black, door remote blipper. Transponder in key body in a red carrier. The question I have is what NATS version is this indicative of? (Before I start cutting and joining wires) Additional info, left the...
  3. G

    Bull Bar Legality

    I came across the image below of a Terrano on eBay earlier with full bull bar fitted. This reminded me that I had bought one from a Toyota a while back but because I was subsequently made to believe they were illegal, did not fit it. However I thought I would check the wording of the actual...
  4. G

    Help. Lost door handle

    I don't know quite what happened but in swapping out all four door speakers, I seem to have lost the inside front passenger door handle. It might turn up but I am begining to think I might have left it on the side step and then drove off. At the time the panel was still off so thought nothing of...
  5. G

    Injector Shims

    In an attempt to re build a set of injectors I purchased some dirt cheap Chinese nozzles to have a play with. Although these are supposed to be copies of the 252 the pintle diameter looks a little bigger and pop off pressure when tested is around 2900 PSI. So, as this would then mean there is...
  6. G

    WANTED : Bosch injectors for 2.7

    I am planning to learn to refurb my injectors but would like to remain mobile. Hence does anyone have any old, knackered, unloved or unwanted Bosch injectors that I could play with? I know there is currently a full set including No 1 injector on EBay for £160 but was hoping to get started for...
  7. G

    Number one injector needle sensor error 34

    In limp mode changed MAF but still the same, so shorted the little block thing and got error code 34. Changed fuel filter which needed doing but engine check light still on. (Old version of diagnostics so paperclip has to stay in place to give flash code and cannot it seems wipe error.) So...
  8. G

    Flip key carcass for 5wk4 782 remote

    Has anyone found a flip key body that the Siemens 5wk4 782 two button, two battery, board will fit into?
  9. G

    Wanted: Terrano 2 1998 Drivers Side Door Mirror

    Just reversed out of a narrow gate after a funeral and snapped off the drivers mirror. Not a good day. Does anyone have one they could sell me? Preferably an electric one in green. Failing that what years would be comparable to mine?
  10. G

    Air lock in cooling system

    Hi All Just replaced the 82degC thermostat for a 87 as temp guage would never go past a third and was usually at 1/4. Running veg so engine much happier if running temp that bit warmer. However I am not sure if I have now managed to form an air lock. Is there a foolproof way of checking and...
  11. G

    Lidl bargains from the 24th

    For those with a stuck oil drain plug a handy 12v oil pump for £10 and also a 12v air compressor for tyre inflation at £13. From 24the Sept 2020.
  12. G

    Torsion bars first?

    Despite having my tracking (basic check no chamber of castor) checked about four months ago the inner edge of both front tyres is now totally smooth. :eek: So before I have a more extensive check done should I raise the front? It is noticeably lower than the rear. I take it that raising the...
  13. G

    Cheap clutches on ebay

    I have no association with seller but found clutch kits on eBay for £35. Less if you send them an offer. Item number 264706177174. Note: these are 240mm diameter so up to 1996 models
  14. G

    Passenger front seat removal

    As the stitching on my leather passenger seat is splitting, I thought I would remove the cover and restitch it. Therefore the whole seat needs to come out and so was after the manual section bt.pdf which I understand covers this. Could someone please point me towards where to download this as...
  15. G

    IMMU central locking fob unit replacement resetting fobs

    As I have a battery drain it has been suggested that the culprit might well be the remote locking unit. Therefore I have obtained a new one but I cannot find the fabled download on how to reset the fobs to sync with the new base unit. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
  16. G

    For anyone who pours from a cubie I take no credit for this
  17. G

    MAF replacement- what a difference!!!

    With the newly acquired car having a few more issues than expected I have to confess to have started to become somewhat dispondent over the whole thing. I realised when I took the car for a test drive that it was very flat, lacking any performance what so ever. However starter and battery issues...
  18. G

    Isolator Switch - where should I stick it!?

    I have a voltage leak which is from the interior lights and I have a hunch, the alarm. Therefore so as to protect the new battery an isolator switch, accessable from the outside, is the immediate solution whilst further tests can take place. My question is has anyone found, or can they...
  19. G

    Manuals download link not working

    The manuals download link appears to have been hijacked
  20. G

    Starter Motor types for 1998 Terrano II Tdi 2.7

    After removing the starter today and dismantling it appears that a field coil has most likely gone and as these are now either no longer stocked or prohibitively expensive a new started has been advised. Full autopsy is taking place tomorrow morning by a qualified auto electrician. Removed...