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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. L


    I want to paint the chassis of my truck, it's in quite good condition with some of the original black paint still here and there. Should I 1: jet wash then leave to fully dry 2: use wire brush to remove any excessive rust 3: paint on a rust killer type paint?????? 4: then use a...
  2. L

    A big thank you

    Well lads and lasses can I just thank for your very friendly welcome and advice you have given me including the knowledge to not spend my money on the wrong car and also made me very aware of how great nissan 4x4 trucks really are. I have looked at loads in the last 2 weeks but unfortunately...
  3. L

    Been looking options please

    I've been looking at 3.0 terrano preferably manual loads down south at mo but only a few up north. However a garage close by has a 03 2.7 manual basic spec (not bothered) for £3000 but it only has 40,000 miles and in great condition one owner full history your thoughts..... Maybe a bit pricey...
  4. L

    Terrano 3.0 auto info please

    Issues, reliability, mpg pros, cons please looking to go look at one tomorrow need to pick your brains lol
  5. L

    Wanted terrano 3.0

    Well I've been looking for. 3.0 terrano this past week, missed out on a decent looking car so waiting patiently for another to come up in northeast. I have noticed a auto 3.0 local at a price I want to pay. I have owned autos in the past (merc 250 td, freelander and a grand jeep) all were nice...
  6. L

    Terrano with botch pump

    Is there an easy way to identify if a terrano 2 has a bosch pump. Any things I should look for on a terrano. Going to look at some tomorrow.
  7. L


    Well hello gang I've just subscribed without even owning a nissan! But I'm in the market for a jeep and have been looking towards a terrano as I only want to spend upto £2500. I will use my jeep for camping, fishing transporting my family around whilst towing our folding caravan dog walking, tip...