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  1. John B

    chrome affect mirror body's for sale and MAF

    Selling left and right hand side chrome mirror body's. The chrome part separates from the gray part that surrounds the mirror glass but please note this is just the body itself so no motor, glass or the hinge part that bolts to the door. Also have a MAF for sale. Offers welcome.
  2. John B

    fuel filters for sale

    I've sold my terrano and have 6 new genuine nissan fuel filters for sale and would like to sell the 6 as a job lot as it probably won't be cost effective to buy just one or two because of the postage. I'd imagine the postage would be £ 6 or so. Happy to take offers :thumbs
  3. John B

    cleaning under the hood

    Just after some advice please I've just got my Mrs a new car which is 4 years old and would like to clean under the bonnet and around the engine so could anyone tell me tge best way to do this and what to clean it with ? The engine is a 1.7 deisel cheers
  4. John B


    Hi all a mate of mine has got a bad oil leak and a local garage has said it's the sump so could anyone help with a replacment sump for a 2005 2.7 lwb ?? Cheers
  5. John B

    diesel treatment

    Could anyone please recommend a diesel treatment for me to put in the terrano please ? Cheers
  6. John B

    code 95

    Hi all after some help please as my terrano went into limp mode this morning going up hill under load. I've done the paper clip test and is coming back with 9 long flashes and 5 short so take it as 95 being the fault code ?? Any ideas please
  7. John B

    Head light bulbs

    Hi all looking to change my bulbs for nice bright ones
  8. John B


    Hi all I haven't used the terrano for the last 4 days but got in it today to go to work and found 3 inches of water in the passenger side footwell :eek: any ideas before I burn it lol
  9. John B

    usb cable hardwire

    Hi all I'm fitting a dash cam and was wondering is it possible to cut the fitting of the end of the cable and wire it directly into the interior light ?? Cheers
  10. John B

    little help needed

    Hi again to you all, yesterday I noticed I've got a little noise and am a little worried about it. I get the noise when I bring the clutch pedal just up to the biting point and does this forward and reverse and only seems to do it when you pull away in first but have noticed if you realise the...
  11. John B

    flat battery

    Hi chaps looking for some advice again if you'd be so kind , the last two mornings my battery has not been able to start my motor so today I've given it a good charge and the battery now gas 12.6 v and with the engine running I'm getting 14.2v does this sound about right to you ?? Cheers
  12. John B

    leak off pipe

    Hi all I've had the truck now for two and a half years and have had to replace the leak off pipes twice already and now need to do them again so could anyone of you peeps give me a bit of advice as too which pipe is best and also the inside size please ?? I've seen some on ebay but would like a...
  13. John B

    Air con regas

    Hi has anyone ever used the home DIY aircon re gas kit's? ? Cheers
  14. John B

    x trail shall I ???

    Hi chaps looking for a bit if advice, today I went to look at a 2010 x trail with 63 k on the clock. Not a cheap car at Ten and a half but really fancy one but the sales man said I will only get auction money for my terrano so have decided to sell it private. Does any one know what the new x...
  15. John B

    picture upload

    Could someone please tell me how to upload pictures on here as I took some pics and was going to put them on here ? Cheers
  16. John B

    MOT time

    It's that time of year again :eek: I'm worried :lol
  17. John B

    front bumper removal

    Hi all has anyone removed the front bumper on a 05 terrano as this is my plan for tomorrow as i want to do all the front end with the old waxoyl. Any tips cheers
  18. John B

    fuel tank removal

    Hi again as you know I'm doing a bit of waxoyl on the T2 tomorrow and was going to remove the tank so I can get to the floor pan under the boot. Is it a pig of a job ? any tips or am I just making work for myself ? Cheers again
  19. John B

    wax oyl

    Hi all I'm back with yet another question :augie today I set out with my pressure washer and give the underneath a good blasting and then went and got some waxoyl with the hand pump thing which is made by waxoyl. It says on the tin to heat it up ?? Any tips :thumbs oh and are these pumps any...
  20. John B

    front prop shaft

    Hi all would anyone be able to tell me if a front prop shaft off a 96 terrano will fit my 04 ?? Both lwb as I was told the early T2's prop shaft didn't constantly turn as no fixed hubs and also have a grease nipple?