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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. P


    hi all where have you all gone.not even a happy new years post.
  2. P

    merry xmas

    well its that time of year again and i wish all a very merry xmas to all.
  3. P

    2004 3l sve lwb

    wanted front bumper for said car please,whats out there. brought mine back from ins co after it was written off.
  4. P

    3l auto

    well i am sad to say that it might be time to say goodbye to my trusty this morning a chap went to park in the space in front of it and he slipped from break to throttle and big impact to bumper dented front of bonnet grill headlight indercater and bumper all out of...
  5. P


    well it soon comes around but booked it in for yesterday and lo and behold it past with a few advises. mainly its lack of use just surface rust in a few places but solid.for the last 2 years it had a small welded area but none this year. still not sure whether to keep it or not as i just do not...
  6. P


    well its that time again,i have renewed for another year but sad to see that there is not that many posts,so come on you peps get posting as i like to read whats going on.
  7. P

    new year

    have a happy new year to you all.
  8. P


    if there is a thread running sorry but i am wishing you members a very merry xmas and a happy new year to all.
  9. P

    fuel extra payments from guv

    Rick i am posting this to you and any others that are off grid' I do know you are not on grid for leccy and you use oil/wood for heating so this is for you. Coming soon in feb to web site those that are off grid can make a claim for the 400 leccy extra payment and also the 200 extra...
  10. P


    oh well its that time to renew so have just so i can read up on what's happening with you that still post.
  11. P

    merry xmas

    well a bit of life on site and as i have not seen any xmas posts ,sorry if there has been,i would like to wish all of you a very happy xmas and a merry new year.
  12. P


    i look every day so where have you all gone.
  13. P

    insurance renew

    my 3l terrys insurance is soon up for renewal and had an email from currant provider and wow up by about 70,last year up a fiver so let it auto renew, so went online to do compair sites and found i could renew about what i paid last year on a few places so phoned up and told them i was not...
  14. P

    coming up for sale

    i will pitch this on here as it will be a good bargain for someone. its an elldis odyssey 428,2005 in pretty good condition. i have been going out with the owner for about 9 years but alas i have had to give up vanning and now sad to say my mate dave 84 the owner has decided to give up as well...
  15. P


    last week i went out on my buggy into town and noticed it was struggling to go up slight slopes,looked at battery meter and hovering on red line. i had noticed a few times that it did not seem to hold as much charge even though it goes on charge after each use as recommended so decided to get...
  16. P

    new year

    well up earlier so am posting a happy new year to you all post whether you celebrate it or not,but be sober and safe.
  17. P

    seen their adds a few times so out of curiacity i looked to see what they show for a terry.well malaware threw a woberly and said its blocked because its a phishing site. so closed browser and opened up opara with vpn,well got in but you get a selection to choose from so i went for diesel...
  18. P


    well after a new battery,one on it kept losing charge,second hand rear in bumper lens,thanks to banshee,new wiper blades and the work solerman did a long while ago it sailed through MOT with one advisory,greased up brake pipe,for second year running.he said he has not seen a terry so solid and...
  19. P


    another year paid for.
  20. P

    ricks genne set up

    just asking how you rick are getting on with genne on kero,has it improved etc