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  1. B

    Smelly aircon...

    I'm at my wits end, this car has proved bad luck for me... What with it being scratched, blown turbo, falling in the high tax band. Now the air con and heating stinks.... I know what it is, a build up of bacteria, but which bit do I need to get to? I have had the dash apart but cannot find...
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    Looks like we are being stiched up....

    Well its clear now all large cars made after march 2001 will have to pay £430 pa for their car tax... 8O This may be the nail in the coffin for some of us!
  3. B

    Frustrated or what...

    Well its one thing that the turbo died but the repairs have been a nightmare. Firstly it a whole new Turbo The bolts on the manifold sheared off, then they could not drill them out as they were so hard so a new manifold has been ordered, and to top it off the Gasket set from Nissan was over...
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    Diagnosis Turbo

    Well we got the Turbo off and apart... Its not looking good, what has happened is one of the fan blades has come apart 8O This has caused the turbo to eat its self... :lol: the outer casing has split as well! 8O The companies who recon then will not take it exchange.. for obvious reasons...
  5. B

    Cold Start...

    Just going to run this by you guys to see if my thinking is corect. I have noticed that my T2 is smoking a bit when starting from cold, it also feels a bit lumpy to start with. This only lasted about 5 seconds then it as smoothe as can be. Checked the oil for water, no white scum all is fine...
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    Smashed windscreen

    Had a run of bad luck, got a smashed windscreen now :cry: Never mind, insurance will pay out, except i have to pay the excess... :cry:
  7. B

    A couple of questions...

    Would a door mirror for a ford Maverick fit a Terrano II? it a GLX electric mirror, I think it would but I guess you guys would know better than me. Keep getting out bid on eblag and the breakers want big money, one quoted £80 8O The other thing is anyone had problems with their fuel Gauge...
  8. B

    How annoying is this...(Mirror)

    Tore the NS wing mirror off the car today! 8O I have managed to bodge a repair, but its going to need a new one... lots on ebay but they are all OS... have sent a few e-mails out to see if anyone has a NS will hev to wait and see.
  9. B


    Was in our local Nissan garage on saturday, picking up some spare parts and had a look at a Pathfinder... To be fair I was impressed, I guess it was a Navara with coil springs and a boot. The one I looked at had 7 seats and was fully loaded. new about 29K Outside was one that was 18 months...
  10. B

    Changing the Stat....

    Now this is going to sound like such a simple question but i'm going to ask it anyway... I'm going to change the termostat on the T2 tomorrow, a simple job I have done on my old Mini's and fords many times, but before I totally knacker the car in doing so... believe me guys I can do it... Will...
  11. B

    Slow to heat up...

    Something I have noticed in my 2001 T2 2.7D is it is slow to warm up. And the heating is even slower. I know they are big lumps, but is this normal? Expecially the heating which is very slow and only luke warm... gets there eventually but slow. Was thinking perhaps the system needs a winter...
  12. B

    A Big Hand to....

    -welldone- Mav and the team for this club... I think sometimes we as members of the club forget how much work it takes to run a club.... The mods constantly take Flak for keeping inline on the forums and yes some times we do need to be kept in line or we end up just falling out. So I would...
  13. B

    Has anyone got roof lights??

    I have been thinking about some roof lights, has anyone built any?? I'm interested in seeing how they were mounted on the car above the windscreen. Cheers Patrick
  14. B

    How much does a Terrano II weigh??

    Its a 5 door LWB... any ideas?? Cannot seem to find anything on the net.
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    Spent a few hours with under the car with a paint brush and a lovely tin of tetroseal... Great stuff but very messy! She now looks a lot better with all the rusty areas brushed over and now covered up with black stuff... :smile: Just in time for winter...
  16. B

    Nissan Speedo

    Are Nissan Speedo's rubbish...? My Serena's packed up and only worked at about 50%, the milage was fine. My Terrano's reads 30 MPH when you are only doing 20, I've checked it against my GPS. Its reads 10MPH too fast in all speeds. I guess its a Nissan Thing. :lol:
  17. B

    Thank goodness for....

    Your local garage... After buying the Terrano there were a few things I wasn't happy with, the garage I got it from said they had serviced it but from a quick glance it was clear the oil filter had not been touched in a long while... so i took it to our local garage which is run by a friend...
  18. B

    Took her for a run...

    Took my car for a little run off road today, sadly all but a few puddles had gone, and she left a big dust cloud. All in all I was pleased with how she went..4wd was very smoothe indeed.
  19. B

    What do you carry in your car?

    Following on from another topic... What do you carry in your car? I always have a Tow Rope, jump leads and a First aid kit.
  20. B

    CD Cassette player

    I've got a 2001 Terrano II SE... Now its got a std Radio and Cassette player, but I want to put in a CD autoloader. Its says on the front "CD control unit" Can I fit a CD autoloader to the origional fir stero or do i have to change everything and get a new adaptor plate plus Hazard switch?