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  1. Paul

    Top and bottom ball joints

    Odd ball question, anyone know if the top and bottom ball joints on a 3.0 di are handed? I didn't think so but ebay sell them handed with different :nenau
  2. Paul

    Odd question time.. Blow off valve

    Was asked this today @ work, ever seen a blow off valve on a Terrano? I haven't.. :nenau
  3. Paul

    Cheap hammerite

    Just been to Aldi and got some of this, only £4.99 for a 1 litre tin.
  4. Paul

    3 ltr oil filter

    Just a quick question, anyone know how to remover the cover for the oil filter? thought it would just unscrew but then again knowing nissan. Thanks Paul.
  5. Paul

    Odd airbag light fault

    Took out terrano over to the tin tent at the weekend to test the towing sockets as we have moved them, pluged the van in and the airbag light came on, reset it & the same again when I pluged them back in, any ideas?
  6. Paul

    This is worth a read..

    The new MOT style testing for caravans has been opposed by the industry and MPs and now the people have spoken too. West Midlands MEP Nikki Sinclaire says her constituents are worried about the introduction of the tests and has been inundated with emails. The draft legislation which was approved...
  7. Paul

    Goe's in gear but will not drive..

    A mate of mine as a 2.7 TD, today while driving home went from first to second and lost all drive, it will free wheel go into all the gears but will not drive :confused: Any ideas?
  8. Paul

    Wanted Terrano Clutch Pedal Spring

    Looking for a Terrano clutch pedal spring, just blanked the waste of time pipe off and found the spring is broke.. :doh Paul.
  9. Paul

    Sodding crap wheel cyl bolts..

    Had a day and a half today.. Had a look why the b/padel was jumping when in snow I found that both rear cylinders was leaking, new shoes & cylinders + pipes. :( n/s done then got to the o/s & some Dickweed as had ago & rounded the bolts.. any ideas how the hell I can get them out without...
  10. Paul

    A quick thanks to Kamsin..

    Just used your download, How to fix the Heater controls on the T2 Thanks thats just saved us a small mint to buy another.. :thumb2
  11. Paul

    Mistrial rear number plate size question

    Anyone know the size of the rear plate on a mistral? is it 13"x6" or 13"x7" Thanks for your help. :thumb2
  12. Paul

    Hazard lights.

    Going to have a go at having the hazard lights turning on when in reverse, it's the one with the switch in the radio, read somewhere here the wire I need to get feed to, just can't find it now. Anyone know which wires they are?
  13. Paul

    Alarm Switch?

    Have this switch under the clocks, think it as something to do with the alarm, can any kind soul tell us what it's for.
  14. Paul

    2002 clocks WTD

    Looking for a set of clocks for a 53 plate Terrano, don't need to work as I just want the plastic glass bit to fit ours. Thanks, Paul.
  15. Paul

    Wheres the oil pressure switch on a 3.0di?

    Have no oil pressure light on the dash, had a lookie on here and looks like the switch dies alot, been looking and found one next to the oil filter housing. Been to the downloads & it shows one on the other side of the engine, not looked yet as it raining again for a change, anyone know what...
  16. Paul

    Mistral rear number plate holder.

    Know it's a long shot, anyone know one forsale? looked on fleebay but sod all going.
  17. Paul

    Our old Mav is going to... Johannesburg

    Put our old Mav on ebay today & within a hour was made a offer we couldn't refuse. :sly Lad came for her tonight and told us he sends 4x4's to Johannesburg in lot's of 40 a month, says they can't get enough of them over there, took ours to Liverpool & then was picking the last one up tonight for...
  18. Paul

    Not 10 mins walk from us..
  19. Paul

    From 1959..

  20. Paul

    Caravan electrical socket test included in revised MOT$21381010.htm?source=newsletter