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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. D

    The time has come

    Well the times has come to bid you all fair well, My membership will be ending in a couple of weeks & at this stage I won't be renewing it. The reason i'm posting this now is incase anyone would like to keep in contact so there is time to swap email addresses etc. I would just like to thank all...
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    Owners club in the press

    I got a copy of 4x4 mag (Feb) the other day & noticed in the problem page there was a question on Terrano FWH & the club got a nice mention:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2If any one wants to read the whole Q & A i'll type it up on here for yous:D
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    A pillar trims

    I was wondering if anyone knew how to remove the drivers side A pillar trim (inside) & if there is much room behind it:augie The reason i'm asking is that i'm going to fit a boost gauge & am thinking of fitting an A piller pod to hold it & relocate my volt meter from the cubby hole to the A...
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    Members xmas lights

    I'm sure I can't be the only member who puts up xmas lights outside their house :roll: So come on take a few photo's & show the other members what your small/big display looks like 8) Ok here's a link to pic's of my house 8) Could we just...
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    Fuel leak

    For the last couple of days I have from time to time smelt Derv when next to my T2 had a quick look at the spill pipes on the injectors but they seamed dry & fine. Anyway once we got home from Newcastle airport as we had been to meet Bluebull before he court his flight home I noticed the smell...
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    Poly bushes (ARB)

    I was wondering if anyone has fitted Poly bushes to the ARB & the drop links :?: I replaced my ARB drop links about 3-4 months back but i/ve noticed a creek from the front end & when I had a look the N/S ARB drop link bush has split in 1/2 :evil: Was hoping it would have lasted longer so was...
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    Camber adjustment

    After I reset the torsion bars I've notice the odd bit of tyre squeal on a few corners (driving slowish) from the front tyres, after looking at the front of the T2 I have noticed that it's now got a slight positive camber \---/ The prob is i'm going to be fitting the new springs off HB in the...
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    Creeky Clutch

    Today I have found that my clutch creeks when I press the pedal down :evil: I've tracked the noise down the clutch release arm I think :? On Saturday I was in & out of deep water so I think this has something to do with it, Yesterday the T2 did'nt move as I had a heater in the cab drying the...
  9. D

    Their off again with another road tax

    I came across this :roll: Well it looks as if the goverment has another sting in it's tail :evil: 1st off they are going to raise the road tax up to silly money as we all sadly know, they are killing us with fuel duty tax BUT now they have another idea on how to tax the last few pounds we have...
  10. D

    Manual to auto conversion

    With my gearbox being on it's last legs & my legs starting to get past it I have been wondering if it'll be poss to convert manual to an auto :roll: I know I would need to replace the pedal box, gearbox, fit a g/box oil cooler & flywheel IIRC but can you's think of anything else I would need ...
  11. D

    Gearbox Problems

    Help I think i've broke my toy again :roll: :oops: I've had a slight rattle that shows it's face no & again on the g/box since I got it but the gear change has always been smooth & haven't had any noise from it whilst driving. Well today we went down to the Dales to Dadba's little meet & all...
  12. D

    Which One Should I Get ?

    I know this may seem strange & maybe a bit sad :oops: :oops: :oops: but I can't make my mind up :roll: Anyway after getting the T2 I replaced the gear knob with an alloy one as I hated the standard ones fitted, well i've never really got away with it so bit the bullet & bought a nice new black...
  13. D

    ARB Drop Links Again

    Since i've adjusted my torsion bars i've noticed a clonk, so I got my son to bounce to the side steps & sure enough the noise was there & found it to be coming from the ARB drop links.I had a closer look & the rubbers have split & there is now a lot of play in the ball joint part. I've order a...
  14. D

    Torsion Bars

    I had a go at adjusting the torsion bars on my T2 as the front end was looking a bit low :roll: The measurement from the bottom of the arch to the centre of the hub is 18.5" & was wondering if someone could tell me what their measurment is so I can compare it as i'm to sure if mine is right ...
  15. D

    Looks like my head gaskets gone

    Well now as the performance is fixed :smile: the T2 has kicked up as fuss again :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: as I was changing the Maf unit I noticed that it looked a bit damp by the alternator on the engine block :roll: I know mine uses a drop of oil & has since I got it 1&1/2 ago but the...
  16. D

    White Faced Dials

    I was wondering if anyone had or knew where I maybe able to get a set of white faced dials for my T2 from :?: I had them in my old escort gsi & found them much easier to read than the stanard black dials :smile: Or does anyone have an old set (just the dial faces) I could borrow as I don't want...
  17. D

    Engine oil flush

    As the time is coming to do an oil change on my T2 I have been thinking of putting in an oil flush :roll: my T2 has covered 70K now & was wondering on your views regaurding doing this as I would hate to remove a bit of old oil rubbish thats helping the big end bearings etc :roll: All views good...
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    Faulty MAF Unit ?

    Hi guys :smile: As my T2 seams a bit slugish to me I have just done the check for the maf unit as in the downloads & have got the following with the ignition on pin 5 is reading 1 volt as the download states :smile: with the engine running i'm getting a reading of 1.9 volts which the download...
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    CB Mic wiring

    Hi all :smile: I keep getting told that the mic for my Midland 98 is very quiet :roll: So i'm thinking of wiring up my old Altai DM-315E echo power mic which has always been great & I don't have to hold it when driving as I just need to key the button when it's on the dash to talk :smile: My...
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    Lumber Surport

    I know this might sound strange but has anyone stripped both front seats & knows if the mountings for the back rest to seat base are the same ie the left side of the seat mounting the same on n/s & o/s seats :?: The reason i'm asking is that my wife could really do with a lumber surport on her...