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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. Flying Torquewrench

    A definite goodbye to my trusty Patrol.

    Well, it hurts a lot to say this but my Patrol is no longer. This morning we got rudely woken up by a popping sound. Turns out that our garage was on fire with flames shooting out of the roof. My Patrol and every tool I own has gone up in flames. The biggest loss is all our Christmas...
  2. Flying Torquewrench

    Time to say goodbye?

    Unfortunately, it is becoming financially uneconomical to keep the Patrol going. Due to private circumstances I have driven her very little in the last few years. I had somebody else use it for a bit so that she kept running. I drove her a couple of weeks ago for the first time in over 2 years...
  3. Flying Torquewrench

    Removing seats and MOT.

    Hopefully the greater knowledge on this forum can help me. As most people know I have a Y61 SWB Patrol that officially has 5 seats. For as long as I have the car the backseats have always been folded up. The only time they are folded down is when the car goes for its MOT. I have been toying...
  4. Flying Torquewrench

    Spare wheel cover

    Today I ripped my semi rigid spare wheel cover, so this now needs replacing. Had a quick search online but Nissan Patrol covers seem to becoming hard to get for a reasonable price. Not prepared to pay £150 for one. Just looking for a plain black one so nothing fancy. Any recommendations?
  5. Flying Torquewrench

    LIDL recruitment.

    Jennifer, a manager at a local Lidl store, had the task of hiring someone to fill a job opening. After sorting through a stack of resumes she found four people who were equally qualified. Jennifer decided to call the four in and ask them only one question. Their answer would determine which of...
  6. Flying Torquewrench

    Consultation on new car modification rules.

    I thought that you all may be interested in the current consultation to establish new rules regarding car modifications...
  7. Flying Torquewrench

    Today at Work!

    A topic which is quite active and very interesting on other forums, I thought we may as well give it a go here. Today I went to Lviv in the Ukraine. Quick trip out and back. While we were on the ground an Antonov AN124 landed and was in the process of being loaded by the Ukrainian army as we...
  8. Flying Torquewrench

    JCB Starter motor.

    The starter motor on my JCB mini digger has been playing up lately. Before, it may have taken a couple of times trying to start before it engages but today it just stopped all together. When turning the key you can hear the starter engage but it just won’t spin. I started to remove the starter...
  9. Flying Torquewrench

    Another Nissan 4x4 off the road.

    Difficult to say with 100% certainty but the grill certainly looks like it is from a Nissan. That will take a little while before it has dried out. :duno::banghead:
  10. Flying Torquewrench

    RD28T piston rings

    I have a brand new set of piston rings for the RD28T engine, as in the Y60. The Y61 with intercooler has the RD28TI engine which has slightly different pistons, don’t ask me how I know. One TOP ring is MISSING as it snapped on the RD28TI piston. All the other rings are present and brand new...
  11. Flying Torquewrench

    RD28T Glow plugs, a word of caution.

    Anybody that follows Banshee’s or my thread in the “project” section knows that the RD28 glow plugs can cause some issues if they snap. Unlike other glow plugs, the ones used in the RD28 have a ceramic middle which runs the full length of the glow plug. This design causes an issue when the...
  12. Flying Torquewrench

    Flex hone for deglazing/honing cylinders

    As per my project thread I am replacing the piston rings on my RD28T. To help bed in the rings the bore should be honed or deglazed. I have already decided that I will not be honing it in the traditional sense. The traditional way is the three pronged honing tool and send it up and down the...
  13. Flying Torquewrench

    LAND ROVER Discovery 1 for sale, as new!

    Original Land Rover Discovery 1 for sale. Rust free. :D
  14. Flying Torquewrench

    OBD11 reader

    Can anyone recommend a OBD11 fault reader that also reads Airbag & Braking codes? Most basic readers don’t read the Airbag & Braking codes. Had to change a resistor on the other halfs car (Skoda Fabia mk2) and for access the passengers side airbag needed removal. Everything is installed...
  15. Flying Torquewrench

    Recommendations for the Midlands (ideally)?

    Before starting work on my Patrol I am in need for some recommendations. I know that one of my injectors leaks a little bit, hence why they need testing and servicing. Diesel Bob has been recommended but they are in Lancashire and all parts need to be sent up by courier. Reading Rick’s...
  16. Flying Torquewrench

    Importing from Australia

    Has anybody got experience with importing parts from Australia? How easy is it to import from Aus to the UK and how is the import tax calculated? According to the website tax is calculated at 20% which is quite straightforward. In addition to the VAT one has to pay customs duty. Up to a...
  17. Flying Torquewrench

    Engineering shop?

    Does anybody know of a good and reliable engineering shop in the Redditch area? Quite happy to travel a few miles if required. I am planning to build a little concrete crushing bucket for my digger. As a result I need to find somebody that has the capability to reduce the diameter of a 60mm...
  18. Flying Torquewrench

    Terrano in Two weeks to live

    Is the owner of the Terrano that features in Two Weeks To Live a member of this forum? Sorry, about the quality of the photo’s.
  19. Flying Torquewrench

    Homemade trailer

    Whilst not a vehicle as such, I hope that the mods allow this thread to stay. Has anybody got any experience with building their own trailer? I know that it needs an IVA inspection before being allowed on the road. There is quite a lot of information regarding the IVA on the government...
  20. Flying Torquewrench

    Overhaul of brake proportioning valve?

    MOT time yesterday and it failed on the rear brakes not achieving enough pressure. Front brakes are absolutely fine. No matter how much pressure is applied to the brake pedal it only just stops the rear wheels from turning. I wonder if the brake proportioning valve on top of the rear axle is...