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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. 7


    just to say i am still about even though not a full paid member just keeping my eyes on the topics but cant comment ur all doing a good job though busy at moment with work and still planning lanning days out in the peaks with the jap4x4 folk keep...
  2. 7

    times up

    well my membership has finally ran out :eek::doh so at this point i am going to hover round as a none full paid member and see if is worth me paying another hard earned TENNER so if anyone want to get hold of me will have to catch me on the other site and if someone sorts out the national...
  3. 7

    stanage closed

    heard off another site stanage is closed I've had a email through from Rights of Way to say that Stanage Edge has been made limited access from yesterday. It now has a width restriction of 1.5 metres, so bikes only. It will be in place until 10/1/13, and barriers will be put in. Apparently the...
  4. 7

    peaks with r1cho june 2012

    well today met up with spud in his raise and welded T2, also lunnon in his green T2 with a full family load and me in my standard but desperate for a lift pathfinder start point was houndkirk lanes covered houndkirk both ways lady plantation jumble lane - spud only tideswell lane black harry...
  5. 7

    New stickers on pathy

    Well thought it was time to update my stickers on pathy and seen as the best stickers or phrase I had seen was on a fellow members truck had to nick the idea Before During with a little helper lol Finished look So as u can tell and all respect to gegs and big thanks to spud (r1cho) for...
  6. 7

    north peaks may 2012 writeup

    hello had a little run out in the peaks today as a joint outing between jap4x4 and nissan4x4 was a great day and must of been pushing about 12 trucks (god its getting popular ) was great to meet up with the new faces barrylock, meatball, big and daft, big john, stinka etc and of cousre the...
  7. 7

    took family out then washed truck

    took the family out for a run to carsington water visitor center weather wasnt great but wrapped up and enjoyed ourselves after a walk got the kettle out and cooked some grub great on a cold day on the way back thought it best to call and wash the truck down :lol <iframe width="420"...
  8. 7

    north peaks run in may

    theres a peaks run been planned by another site/club which have offered anyone on nissan chance to join in the day (most are members of both clubs anyway) Date, Sunday May 13th (T.B.C) Meeting Place. Fox House public house car park, Postcode = S11 7TY Meeting Time. 10:30 set off Lanes...
  9. 7

    peak district news definitly need to keep our eyes on this good site for info before going out in peaks
  10. 7

    who wants north peaks outing

    so now the south peaks is over and most the muck washed off who would be interested in another outing in the north area of peaks just state if interested and will start plans when we know how u feel
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    South peak district 15-4-12 write up

    Pls add comment pics and vids here thank u
  12. 7

    one of all u t2 mod'ers

    nicked from another site (sorry r1cho)
  13. 7

    british indoor show march2012

    well just had the weekend away at the british indoor 4x4 show at staffordshire show ground, we when on the sat and stayed over at a hotel and came back sunday must say was a little disappointed not much going on if u drive anything other than a disco/defender for parts at event interesting was...
  14. 7

    changing pollen filter on r51

    well after reading recent threads i decided it was time to change the pollen filter on my pathy 06reg r51 ordered genuine filters of ebay BNIB great fast next day recorded delivery for £25 then go to passenger glove box open it and remove ur crap lol push in the soft sides of the draw to...
  15. 7

    south peak district lanning 15april

    hello this is a reorganised run around the south area of the peak district on very easy lanes will give folk chance to learn what there trucks are about ready for some more fun later in the year new date is sunday the 15 april these are easy lanes just allow u to ride ur truck off the normal...
  16. 7

    playing in the snow in peaks

    well it came down just enough to make it worth a run out in the snow so after having to cancel the south peaks run out me and kamsin decided to have a run over some of the lanes we know higher up started at fox house pub route included houndkirk,pindale,cherpit and bramley lane first pic is...
  17. 7

    wickhambrook byways ?notts

    info off another site believe its in nottinghamshire Wickhambrook Byways (see map below) There has been some damage to these lanes by a group of 4x4 vehicles and SCC has placed "restraint" notices in situ. The residents in the area are also upset by the damage. SCC have already been...
  18. 7

    south peak district lanning

    hello just organising a little run around the south peak district area carsington on some very tame lanes will be more of a sight seeing and get to know ur truck run and of course the chance to meet folk for a chin wag here is the plan (subject to change) for 5 feb 2012 these are easy lanes...
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    well just booked my tickets and hotel for the weekend 17-18 march at staffordshire show ground hope the mrs enjoys the weekend away :augie :lol :lol
  20. 7

    Spotted in Notts

    Who have I just been following in ruddington Notts at 1020 u were driving lwb green t2 with club sticker in back window Come on own up lol. Pics if needed