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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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  1. BongoBerry

    SELLING : SWB 2.4l Petrol Terrano II - FRONT LOKKA FITTED

    Afternoon all, As the title says I am selling my 1998 2.4l Petrol SWB Terrano as I never actually get to drive it anymore. She's done 197k but still starts first time, really she has been my greenlaning truck and only done about 4000 miles since I bought her a about 5 years ago. Yes she has...
  2. BongoBerry

    Airbag Light Flashing

    Hi guys I've read pretty much every thread on this forum regards solving mu airbag light issue. Long Story short.... went 4x4'ing, negative battery terminal came lose - engine stalled lost power etc - car died... reconnected terminal.. then noticed airbag light was flashing. I've tried...
  3. BongoBerry

    WANTED: Steering Wheel SWB Terrano

    hey guys As the thread says, looking to replace my steering wheel on the '98 Terrano2 Thanks
  4. BongoBerry

    WANTED: 98' SWB Radio Roof Aerial Base (rear mounting)

    Morning folks, yes I am just after the base that fits through the roof. The mounting screw/plastic is broken and makes very little connection to the aerial itself. If any one has a spare etc please get in touch Thanks
  5. BongoBerry

    WANTED: Internal Cabin Light hOusing

    Hi Folks as the title says, internal cabin light console wanted for a SWB '98 Terrano Cheers
  6. BongoBerry

    Looking for some rims & tyres

    Hey chaps I've got some mud tyres on my SWB and am looking for some used unwanted rims (not fussed as to 15 or 16's) such that I can whack on some road tyres for driving to work and swap out down the line when I need to. If anyone has them taking up space in the garage please let me know...
  7. BongoBerry

    TO SELL: RUD Matic Classic V Snow Chains

    More garage clearance RUD MAtic Classic V (as new) Bought from the RoofBox Company - not used as yet. Details here Wanting £400 for the pair part Number : 19666 Fits 33 x 12.50- 15 285/75- R 16
  8. BongoBerry

    Which Washer Pump

    hey guys How do you know which variant of the washer pump to buy? '98 Mk2 terrano SWB Cheers
  9. BongoBerry

    Buying a LOKKA

    Hey guys With the exchange rate to the USA as it is, there is a good chance I will be buying a LOKKA for my Patrol as the one in the Terrano is awesome. If there is interest here I may consider doing a multi buy.. but I'm watching the rates of exchange too ... Post your interest Sent from my...
  10. BongoBerry

    Slindon 4x4

    Hiya I'm going down to Slindon 4x4 tomorrow - aim to be there for 9:30 / 10am. Have posted up on the FWDC forum too Will have my CB and phone with me - so can check the forum for tag-along-ers :)
  11. BongoBerry

    Which Shock absorbers.. raised torsion bars and longer rear springs

    As the long title suggests I am looking to replace my knackered Procomp shocks and was wondering what you guys use with 'lifted' terranos... that could be considered better quality I am using LWB rear springs Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  12. BongoBerry

    Auto Hubs Wanted

    Looking for auto hubs for Terrano 2.4 Petrol '98
  13. BongoBerry

    breather pipe threads

    Hiya Can anyone confirm the threads required to extend the breathers on front and rear diffs, gearbox and transfer box? I'd like to order the bits of ebay and makeup a kit Cheers
  14. BongoBerry

    Fuel relay part number

    Busy out and about and not.near a PC... don't suppose anyone can help me with the part number for a fuel relay for my terrano? 98.. 2.4 petrol swb.. Any and all help appreciated Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
  15. BongoBerry

    Not firing :(

    Hiya, Hopefully some experts can help steer me in the right direction here. My '98 petrol terrano is battling to start, engine is turning over and is trying to fire. Prior to this I suffered a few stalls where the engine just lost power and cut out (as if there was water on the plugs or no...
  16. BongoBerry

    Wanted: Unwanted hid kit h4

    Hiya if anyone has a HID kit they don't want or never fitted - please let me know ones like these I guess
  17. BongoBerry

    LOKKA - Front Diff lock

    Hiya I am giving some serious thought about buying a LOKKA from Australia and was wondering if anyone would be interested in a multibuy See this thread for a past multibuy for the same product. Cheers
  18. BongoBerry

    1998 SWB ABS Sensor (2.8)

    nearside front sensor if its different to any other? thanks
  19. BongoBerry

    Replacing Headlight Lamp

    Hi guys I am looking for some help / instruction on how to remove the actual front headlight lamp unit and to replace it? I've had a look and I can see some basic clips holding the plastic trim on but I am loathed to just "pull" until something breaks. I have also looked through the manual +...
  20. BongoBerry

    Auto-Hub Snap Ring - thickness?

    Hi all I don't have a micrometer and have been advised to change the snap rings on my T2 front hubs... They come in 7 thickness's from 1.1 to 2.3mm Can someone please advise me what thickness I need? Thanks