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  1. DeeTees

    A reluctant sayonara

    Sadly, mainly due to creeping years, work commitments, an ever growing world weariness to do auto repairs, I can no longer keep my Terrano on the legal side of mot worthiness. And then a failing cv joint, adding to the list of things to do, clinched the decision. Initially I did look for a...
  2. DeeTees

    Blower motor noisy

    The blower motor has a high pitch whine which gets more intense with speed. When I really need it, I turn it on and wear ear plugs. I replaced it with a spare one I have. Before installing the spare motor, I tested it and it operated quietly, however, as soon as it was installed it squealed...
  3. DeeTees

    First snow of the year shocker

    I woke up this sunday morning (feb 26) to find a strange soft white blanket outside, the first real snow of the year in the Reykjavik region. Not only that but the snow fell straight down and lots of it. Usually when snow falls here, it falls horizontal and is blown over roads which are...
  4. DeeTees

    Washer pump

    The washer pump when activated, manages to make its usual grunt but doesn't squirt. Possibly this is a close to heart, real life experience for some of you ol' timers and I feel your pain, but on a mechanical level can a pump grunt but not squirt? No liquid comes out at both windscreen and...
  5. DeeTees

    Heater fan/blower resistor

    I have ordered one of these and it will be on a slow boat from China. But it's cold, in the meantime in theory I could use one from the scrap dealers (aka environment friendly recyclers). Just to speed up the process, could I just hook up a recyclable resistor prospect to the now dangling...
  6. DeeTees

    Dashboard warning light

    What's this one about? I have searched for answers but nothing forthcoming.
  7. DeeTees

    Manual locking hub query

    After reading the front hub sticky thread I finally had a small eureka moment and realised that ugly looking thing on my 2002 terrano was not an auto hub but something else, a permanent locked hub. I'll be having the outer cv joints replaced on tuesday. I happen to have manual locking hubs...
  8. DeeTees

    CV Joint purchase

    I am hunting for a new CV joint. Counting the teeth wheel side, I get 27. Would the best guess be for this one adv on Mlners offroad? with 32 teeth on...
  9. DeeTees

    A returnee's tale

    It has turned out to be a prolonged hiatus for me (2 or 3 years) instead of golden years retirement. Everything here is just as it was when I left, same messages in the inbox, avatar, profile preserved, not even any tumbleweed blowing about. I've got another Terrano now. I crashed my last one on...
  10. DeeTees

    Coolant Leak, unknown source.

    Afaics, I have 2 separate coolant leaks. I have the underbody protection pan off. With leak nr 1 When underneath looking up, I see the coolant dripping out from the bottom of the twin pulley, behind it to be more accurate. That's where the coolant drips out. It's not clear how it gets there...
  11. DeeTees

    Cv Joints Q

    I was making an order for a pair of front cv joints and they had a choice available for the tdi r20 Teeth - inside 27 ext 28 or inside 27 external 32 I haven't taken off the old cv joint yet. Any ideas which? besides toss a coin :)
  12. DeeTees

    6.5" speaker install odyssey

    I have just done this 6.5" speaker install and uploaded some photos to the album. The photos should be viewed starting with number 1 to Nr 19. Somehow you upload the photos in sequence and the board puts the last one first and the first one last, almost biblical...
  13. DeeTees

    Glow Plug circuit checking

    I have difficult starting when cold, but normal starting when engine is warm. I'm currently checking the glow plug circuit. My voltage tester has gone into hiding, I'm just using a mini led current tester. With ign on and open bonnet, maybe I heard just one click after a few seconds. With the...
  14. DeeTees

    Leaking diesel blues

    Got them leaking diesel blues - around the tank area. Can't avoid the issue anymore. Was managed to be avoided by having < 30 Litres. in the tank. At least I had that impression. I could not see any place where the fuel was leaking from, as much or as far as anybody can see anything. I´m...
  15. DeeTees

    Brake pad replacement, pin bolt stuck

    Just in the process of replacing the front brake pads. About to fit the caliper back again onto the lower pin bolt and the pin bolt is stuck fast, not even allowing the caliper to fit properly. The pin bolt of course should move in and out freely. I'm at my wits end, just short of placing a pipe...
  16. DeeTees

    Rear lights out

    Tail lights are not working. Fuse okay, bulbs okay and known to be okay. First it was on one side only, then the other side stopped working a month or so later. What would you do? Splice into another source? or where would you start to find the fault?
  17. DeeTees

    Fan question

    While on a trip the steering V belt snapped. Then shortly after, the Alt/Battery warning light came on. On inspection, the broken belt had sorta edged its way over to the alternator belt, got entangled and dislodged it so it was hanging loose. Until I got the proper size, I refitted the alt...
  18. DeeTees

    Lost Key

    My son has rung me to say he has lost the Ignition Key :evil: He had locked the jeep with the remote. I have a spare key, it's a normal enough looking remote key with NATS written on one side. AFAIR the remote facility didn't work. What is the procedure, if I use the spare key to open the...