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  1. R

    Black smoke after pump rebuild

    So finally found the cause of the diesel pump leak on my 2.7 TD was the pump seals. Wondered if it may have been started by some dodgy fuel the local Repsol garage had several years ago - they paid for a tank clean out etc etc but often wondered if it did anything else. Pump was fitted with new...
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    No throttle at start

    I was away and friend went to borrow my 95 2.7TD. Yes he is mechanically inept but.... Tried to start but wouldn't run. I just got back and tried myself. It turns over and fires but can barely idle. Glow plugs are all new ready for winter, glow light goes off etc. Throttle cable is OK :-)...
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    Disappearing clutch pedal !!

    Ok, so managed to run my clutch reservoir dry :-( Topped it up, bled it With assistance I bled the too, then slave. Didn't do the balance thingy pipe - the block the bleed nipple is in now "free floats" and is pretty old so don't want to break it.... Anyways... All good, pedal up high & all...
  4. R

    Key and barrel all grindy...

    Well, my old worn out keys have suddenly struggled to go in the barrel - both at the same time. Almost like there are some loose bits in there :-) Managed to get a key in but reluctant to remove it right now..... This has the fuel pump immobiliser on it, so what about a secondhand unit? Any...
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    Starting troubles

    Hmmm - so it starts to gets cool and seems the battery like it is going with the engine struggling to turn over. So change the battery for a new one and..... it still seems to struggle turning over. So on the basis it isn't the battery, any bright ideas? I know the power steering pump...
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    Window support bracket unglued

    So... a year or so ago the drivers window got broken. So our insurance paid for a for a new one to be fitted. All well and good... for a while, but last summer I noticed the window having troubles closing. On removal of the door panel it quickly became apparent that the mounting bracket had...
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    Centre exhaust mount bolt sheared

    Centre exhaust mount bolt sheared. Damn damn damn. Having just finished my exploits with an engine mount, whilst hunting for the issue I had noticed that the centre exhaust block was pretty knackered (the square one that supports the centre box and bolts to the chassis) and I decided to change...
  8. R

    Vibration when stationary

    Hi All. 2020 and it has turned to rat sh*t already :-) My wife being super at diagnostics reported a 'bit of a vibration' a few days ago. Always the mistress of the understatement..... I suspected at first from her description it might be the rear half shaft bearing which was replaced a few...
  9. R

    Rear Window regulator

    Looking at replacing a failed one on my trusty 1995 Terrano as I've run out of bits to rebuild it :-) I can see plenty for the later face lift Terranos but although most of the guts look the same, they look a little different with the mount being on the cable winder assembly instead of attached...
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    Leaking fuel pump

    My poor old bus has a leaking fuel pump :-( First question is how to figure which one I have (2.7 TD SE 1995) Then what is best course of action? Being in Spain repairs & parts are painfully expensive so I might be better of getting a 2/h ine in the UK. Any assistance appreciated B. Rgds John
  11. R

    Air conditioning radiator fan

    Damn I'd forgotten to renew my membership!! My old electric radiator fan has died. Relay seems to click on and at the plug it gets power. Seen a few awfully crap old ones on ebay, and also some generic new ones. Any suggestions on a replacement? Bit sweltery sitting in traffic right now !!
  12. R

    Throttle cable / shock absorbers

    My cable was getting pretty stiff and ironically when I finally checked I noticed it was seriously stretched - it has loads of play which may explain a bit of the lack of power more recently :-) Any idea where I can get a new one for a 1995 Terrano ? Seems they are pretty generic to a lot of...
  13. R

    Going shopping - suspension parts required

    I am going to replace a few bits on my 2.7 1995 Terrano and would like some advice on the best places to buy the following : Front and rear anti rollbar droplinks Steering idler arm Front shocks (nothing special) Just ebay them or any preferred suppliers ? B. Rgds John
  14. R

    Terrano II 1995 SE vacuum pump

    Any idea where I can get one, or parts to refurb if that is possible ? Having checked all the hoses which aren't great, and I will replace but seem to be no major breaks or leakages, I am experiencing loss of pressure/vacuum on the brakes at idle. It was never great but the last few days it...
  15. R

    Front suspension click sounds

    Hi, i have noticed an increasing number of clicks and pings from the front suspension, particularly when cornering. It's not the steering stops (I know that one !) and it doesn't sound like CV joints either - more like a worn bush on the anti-roll bars or somewhere as the suspension moves up &...
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    Dodgy breakers - Edward Fear - Direct 4x4 Salvage

    Having failed to get a second hand wing for my bashed Terrano (see my post in another forum) my wife decided that she knew best and would try to find one as I was on a trip to the UK and was rushed for time. She went online and decided to try a few sites. I did warn her that there were a lot of...
  17. R

    Terrano II 95 Bits required.....

    Regrettably my wife decided to have an unplanned off road excursion recently. Fortunately (or not as the case may be.....) she missed the two large solid trees, but removed a small road sign. :doh She said that she was going very fast...... anyone like to make a guess at the impact speed ...
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    1995 Terrano II headlamps

    I have a pair of UK RHD ones I was about to put on eBay and wondered if anyone here was interested first. They are out of my 1995 Terrano (old shape) and I replaced them with LHD for Spain. Still got the beam benders on them ! Ironically you can see the Made in Spain stamp :-) Any sensible...
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    Brake master cylinder failure ?

    Been noticing a lengthening brake pedal and first thought it was air in the brakes. Having checked this out, it would appear that the master cylinder is failing. Can anyone give me chapter & verse on this ? Can I just get replacement seals or do I need a new unit. Any suggestions as to where...
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    White smoke, lumpy running, no power

    Was cruising back home this morning in my 1995 2.7 TD LWB Terrano when I started to notice it seemed to be 'missing' a bit. As I went on further, the power fell away to the point I could just about crawl back home. From the problem starting to full flow happened within 2 miles. It was OK at...